PART ONE: THE DEVELOPMENT OF FAMILY COMMUNICATION PATTERNS Communication in Infancy - Marguerite Stevenson Barratt The Socialization of Person-Centered Communication - Brant R Burleson, Jesse G Delia and James L Applegate Parents' Contributions to their Children's Social-Cognitive and Communication Skills Parent-Adolescent Relationships - Patricia Noller Accounts and Demystification of Courtship - Catherine A Surra, Michelle L Batchelder and Debra K Hughes PART TWO: FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS IN PROCESS How Parenthood Affects Marriage - Ted L Huston and Anita L Vangelisti Family Interaction during Problem Solving - Samuel Vuchinich and Jospeh Angelelli Family Conflict, Divorce, and Children's Adjustment - Susan Gano-Phillips and Frank D Fincham Postdivorce Relations - Sandra Metts and William R Cupach PART THREE: EXTENDING FAMILY BOUNDARIES Communication in Three Types of Dual-Career Marriages - Lawrence B Rosenfeld, Gary L Bowen and Jack M Richman Communication Patterns in Stepfamilies - Nancy A Burrell Redefining Family Roles, Themes, and Conflict Styles Communication, Gender, and Power - Sara Steen and Pepper Schwartz Homosexual Couples as a Case Study The Aging Family - Marie-Louise Mares Communication and Family Culture - Alan L Sillars