Yossef S. Ben-Porath, PhD, is a Professor of Psychology at Kent State University. He received his doctoral training at the University of Minnesota and has been involved extensively in MMPI research for the past 24 years. He is a co-developer of the MMPI-2-RF and co-author of test manuals and numerous books, book chapters and articles on the MMPI test. His recent book, Interpreting the MMPI-2-RF provides detailed and practical instruction for interpreting the MMPI-2-RF, the most recent version of the MMPI for adults. He is Associate Editor of Psychological Assessment, and a member of the editorial board of several psychology journals. His clinical practice involves consulting to agencies that screen candidates for public safety positions and conducting criminal court ordered forensic psychological evaluations.
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Introduction - Maria S Zaragoza PART ONE: APPROACHES TO UNDERSTANDING CHILDREN'S EYEWITNESS MEMORY Introduction - Sean M Lane Content, Consistency and Coherence of Early Autobiographical Recall - Robyn Fivush and Jennifer Shukat Tell Me Again and Again - Debra Ann Poole and Lawrence T White Stability and Change in the Repeated Testimonies of Children and Adults Effects of Timing and Type of Questioning on Eyewitness Accuracy and Suggestibility - Amye R Warren and Peggy Lane How Shall a Thing be Coded? Implications of the Use of Alternative Procedures for Scoring Children's Verbal Reports - Lynne Baker-Ward et al Aware and Unaware Uses of Memories of Postevent Suggestions - D Stephen Lindsay, Valerie Gonzales and Karen Eso PART TWO: IMPROVING CHILDREN'S TESTIMONY Introduction - Jennifer K Ackil Improving Children's Testimony - Karen J Saywitz The Question, the Answer and the Environment Improving Eyewitness Testimony with the Cognitive Interview - Ronald P Fisher and Michelle McCauley The Use of Dolls in Interviewing Young Children - Judy S DeLoache Innovative Techniques for the Questioning of Child Witnesses Especially Those Who are Young and Those with Learning Disability - Ray Bull PART THREE: SOCIAL POLICY IMPLICATIONS Introduction - Karen L Chambers The Child Witness in the Courtroom - Graham Davies and Helen Westcott Empowerment or Protection? Balancing the Rights of Children and Defendants - Ann E Tobey et al Effects of Closed-Circuit Television of Children's Accuracy and Jurors' Perceptions Children's Testimony - Rhona Flin Psychology on Trial