Do the Media Govern?


Politicians, Voters, and Reporters in America

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Edited by Shanto Iyengar, Richard Reeves
Release Date:
228 x 152 mm
790 g

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Syndicated columnist.

The Brave New World of Media Politics - Richard Reeves PART ONE: REPORTERS, REPORTING AND THE BUSINESS OF NEWS Overview - Richard Reeves The Socialization of Reporters - Lou Cannon The American Journalist in the 1990s - David H Weaver and G Cleveland Wilhoit Covering the OJ Trial - Bill Boyarsky Show and Tell - Rita Braver Reporters Meet Politicians on Larry King Live Oliver Stone and History - Richard Reeves Combat Stories - Richard Cohen et al Sound-Bite News - Daniel C Hallin Television Coverage of Elections The US Media - Ben Bagdikian Supermarket or Assembly Line? Three Blind Mice - Ken Auletta Raiding the Global Village - Ken Auletta The Business of Television News - Jeff Greenfield PART TWO: REPORTERS AND PUBLIC OFFICIALS: WHO USES WHOM? Overview - Richard Reeves Cracking the News Code - W Lance Bennett Some Rules That Journalists Live By Press Theory and Journalistic Practice - William A Dorman The Case of the Gulf War Lying - Benjamin Bradlee The Theodore H White Lecture at Harvard University Who Uses Whom? - Daniel Schoor The Theodore H White Lecture at Harvard University PART THREE: MEDIA-BASED POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS Overview - Shanto Iyengar Are Media Campaigns Effective? - Larry Bartels et al Shifting Perspectives on the Effects of Campaign Communication - Stephen Ansolabehere, Shanto Iyengar and Adam Simon The Media - Kim F Kahn and Edie N Goldenberg Obstacle or Ally of Feminists? Women as Political Candidates - Celinda Lake, Linda DiVall and Shanto Iyengar Was 1992 the Year of the Woman? Voter Learning in the 1992 Presidential Campaign - Samuel L Popkin Campaigning and the Press - John R Petrocik The Influence of the Candidates Does Attack Advertising Demobilize the Electorate? - Stephen Ansolabehere et al PART FOUR: THE EFFECTS OF NEWS ON THE AUDIENCE: MINIMAL OR MAXIMAL CONSEQUENCES Overview - Shanto Iyengar Political Knowledge in Comparative Perspective - Michael D Dimock and Samuel L Popkin A Paradigmatic History of Agenda-Setting Research - Everett M Rogers, William B Hart and James W Dearing The News Media and the Pictures in Our Heads - Maxwell McCombs and George Estrada News Coverage of the Gulf Crisis and Public Opinion - Shanto Iyengar and Adam Simon A Study of Agenda-Setting, Priming, and Framing The Anatomy of News Media Priming - Joanne M Miller and Jon A Krosnick Framing Responsibility for Political Issues - Shanto Iyengar The Case of Poverty Modern Racism and Images of Blacks in Local Television News - Robert M Entman Crime in Black and White - Franklin Gilliam et al The Violent, Scary World of Local News A Model of Communication Effects at the Outbreak of the Gulf War - John R Zaller PART FIVE: THE USE OF MEDIA IN THE POLICY PROCESS Overview - Shanto Iyengar The Theory and Practice of Going Public - Sam Kernell Going Public in Undemocratic Polities - Richard Anderson Media Attention and Congressional Agendas - Frank R Baumgartner, Bryan D Jones and Beth L Leech Press Briefing by Press Secretary - Mike McCurry October 12 1995 Remarks by President Bill Clinton at the Second Americorps Swearing-In Ceremony October 12 1995 Going Less Public - Jarol B Manheim Managing Images to Influence US Foreign Policy Putting Media Effects Research to Work - Michael Pertschuk Lessons for Community Groups Who Would Be Heard Talking Back, Ernie Pyle Style - Susan Bales Framing the Framers - Vincent Schiraldi and Dan Maccalair Changing the Debate over Juvenile Crime in San Francisco Advocate's Guide to Developing Framing Memos - Liana Winett

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