PART ONE: BACKGROUND: WHAT IS ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE? A Taxonomy of Organizational Justice Theories Organizational Justice Past, Present, and Future The Social Side of Justice in Organizations PART TWO: PERCEIVING FAIRNESS ON THE JOB: THE ROLE OF IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT How Do People Manage Impressions of Organizational Justice? Looking Fair on the Job Does It Really Matter? PART THREE: PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: EVALUATING OTHERS FAIRLY What Makes a Performance Evaluation Fair? The Distributive Justice of Performance Evaluations The Procedural Justice of Performance Evaluations Using Diaries to Promote Fair Performance Appraisals PART FOUR: EMPLOYEE THEFT AND ACCEPTANCE OF A SMOKING BAN Employee Theft as a Reaction to Underpayment Inequity Interpersonal Deterrents to Employee Theft Promoting Acceptance of a Work Site Smoking Ban PART FIVE: MONETARY REWARDS: PAY FAIRNESS Comparable Worth Is It Fair? Reactions to Procedurally Unfair Payment PART SIX: NONMONETARY REWARDS: JOB TITLES AND THE WORK ENVIRONMENT Equity and Workplace Status Injustice and Cognitive Re-Evaluation of the Work Environment High-Status Job Titles as Compensation for Underpayment Epilogue Lessons Learned and Work to Be Done