Introduction - Gary L Wamsley and James F Wolf Can a High-Modern Project Find Happiness in a Postmodern Era? On Governance and Reinventing Government - Richard T Green and Lawrence Hubbell Fencing in the Inherently Governmental Debate - Larkin Dudley Public-Institutional Processes and Democratic Governance - Joy A Clay What a Difference a State Makes - John A Rohr Reflections on Governance in France Moving beyond Prescriptions - James F Wolf Making Sense of Public Administration Action Contexts Administering in the Public Interest - Thomas J Barth The Facilitative Role for Public Administrators Postmodernism, Public Administration and the Public Interest - O C McSwite The Public Administration and the Problem of the Presidency - Larry M Lane Refusing to Get It Right - Camilla Stivers Citizenship, Difference and the Refounding Project Understanding Social Processes - Lisa Weinberg The Key to Democratic Governance The Maturation of Public Administration - Linda F Dennard The Search for a Democratic Identity Thinking Government - John H Little Bringing Democratic Awareness to Public Administration A Public Philosophy and Ontological Disclosure as the Basis for Normatively Grounded Theorizing in Public Administration - Gary L Wamsley