Foreword - Elden R Barrett Foreword - Aubrey K Lucas Introduction - Gloria Appelt Slick Using the Past; Guiding the Future - Scott Hopkins The New Psychology of Supervision - Arthur L Costa Promoting Reflective Practices - H Jerome Freiberg A Legal Primer for Student Teachers - Julie Fisher Mead and Julie K Underwood Field Experiences in Multicultural Environments - Rafael Lara-Alecio and Emilio Rendon Using Technology to Prepare Teachers - Joan P Sebastian Future Possibilities Developing Leadership in Preservice Teachers - Sandra Lee Gupton What Happens after Student Teaching - Genevieve Brown and Beverly J Irby The First Five Years Learning from International Field Experiences - Laura L Stachowski and James M Mahan Bits and Pieces - Gloria Appelt Slick and Kenneth Burrett Everything Else You Wanted to Know about Field Experiences of the Future