Preface - David S Honeyman, James C Wattenbarger, and Kathleen C Westbrook The Financing of Higher Education - David S Honeyman and Megan Bruhn The Value of Investments in Higher Education - Terry G Geske Capturing the Full Returns State Funding Formulas - Mary P McKeown Promise Fulfilled? Accountability and Quality Evaluation in Higher Education - John V Lombardi and Elizabeth D Capaldi Issues in Benefits and Retirements in Higher Education - Jay L Chronister America's Investment in the Research Enterprise - Karen A Holbrook The Academic Niche Responsibility-Centred Management - Edward L Whalen An Approach to Decentralized Financial Operations Funding Public Education with a State Lottery - Susan Robinson Summers Is Education the Winner? Funding for Community Colleges - Dale F Cambell,Karen Sayles, Lynn Leverty Changing Patterns of Support Funding the Multipurpose Community College in an Era of Consolidation - James C Palmer Competition for Limited Resources - Richard L Alfred Realities, Prospects, and Strategies