Introduction - Ruthellen Josselson and Amia Lieblich Taking Narrative Seriously - Susan E Chase Consequences for Methods and Theory in Interview Studies Imagining the Real - Ruthellen Josselson Empathy, Narrative and the Architectonics of the Self Biographical Work and New Ethnography - Jaber F Gubrium and James A Holstein Life History and Academic Work - Steven Weiland The Career of Professor G Developmental Patterns of Mathematically Gifted Individuals as Viewed through Their Narratives - Ada Zohar The Quest for Connectedness - Hadas Wiseman Loneliness as Process in Narratives of Lonely University Students It's the Telling that Makes the Difference - Adital Tirosh-Ben-Ari Life Histories as Social Texts of Personal Experience in Sociolinguistic Studies - Sarah Mkhonza A Look at the Lives of Domestic Workers in Swaziland Extending Boundaries - Ardra L Cole and J Gary Knowles Narrative on Exchange