Foreword - Derald Wing Sue PART ONE: ASSESSMENT OF MULTICULTURAL COUNSELING COMPETENCE Outcome of Training and the Philosophy of Assessment - Gargi Roysicar Sodowsky, Phoebe Y Kuo-Jackson and Gary J Loya Multicultural Counseling Competencies Portfolio Assessment of Multicultural Counseling Competence - Hardin L K Coleman How `Multiculturalism' Obscures Race and Culture as Differential Aspects of Counseling - Janet E Helms and Tina Q Richardson PART TWO: MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Sex Matters - Ruth E Fassinger and Beth Sperber Richie Gender and Sexual Orientation in Training for Multicultural Counseling Competency Multicultural Counseling Training - Joseph G Ponterotto A Competency Model and National Survey Course Development in Multicultural Counseling - Charles R Ridley, Dorothy L Espelage and Karen J Rubenstein A Systemic Multicultural Curriculum Model - Luis Vasquez The Pedagogical Process Toward Defining a Multicultural Training Philosophy - Mark M Leach and Michael A Carlton Using the Multicultural Change Intervention Matrix (MCIM) as a Multicultural Counseling Training Model - Amy L Reynolds A Multicultural Immersion Experience - Donald B Pope-Davis, Cynthia Breaux and William M Liu Filling a Void in Multicultural Training Cultural Ambience - Alberta M Gloria and Donald B Pope-Davis The Importance of a Culturally Aware Learning Environment in the Training and Education of Counselors PART THREE: MULTICULTURAL SUPERVISION Multiculturalism as a Context for Supervision - Gerald Stone Perspectives, Limitations and Implications Multicultural Counseling Supervision - Michael D'Andrea and Judy Daniels Central Issues, Theoretical Considerations and Practical Strategies Facilitating Multicultural Competency in Counseling Supervision - Madonna G Constantine Operationalizing a Practical Framework The Supervision Relationship in Multicultural Training - Rocio P Martinez and Elizabeth L Holloway Postmodern Supervision - Roberto Cortez Gonzalez A Multicultural Perspective Cross-Cultural Supervision - Margaret L Fong and Suzanne H Lease Issues for the White Supervisor