Dr. Susan Taylor is Smith Chair of Human Resource Management & Organizational Change and Co- Director, Center For Leadership, Innovation, & Technology (CLIC) Robert H. Smith School of Business, the University of Maryland at College Park. She earned her doctorate from Purdue University in I/O Psychology and has also been a visiting faculty member at the Amos Tuck School, Dartmouth College, University of Washington, Seattle, School of Administration at Bocconi University, Milan Italy, and the London Business School.
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Introduction PART ONE: CAREER RHYTHMS: FIVE EXEMPLARS Lessons Learned along the Way - Arthur G Bedeian Twelve Suggestions for Optimizing Career Success On Becoming a Scholar - Joan V Gallos One Woman's Journey Rhythms of an Academic's Life - Miriam Erez Crossing Cultural Borders Transitions - Vance F Mitchell Creating a Career - Stewart Clegg in conversation with John M Jermier Observations from outside the Mainstream PART TWO: EARLY RHYTHMS Becoming a Teacher Becoming a Teacher at a Research University - Christina E Shalley On Learning Why I Became a Teacher - John A Miller Research/Teaching Boundaries - Walter R Nord Teaching as an Act of Scholarship - Stella M Nkomo Doing Research and Getting Published Using Programmatic Research to Build a Grounded Theory - Edwin A Locke Developing Programmatic Research - Mats Alvesson The Publishing Process - Susan J Ashford A Struggle for Meaning Getting Published - Kevin R Murphy Revising and Resubmitting - J Keith Murnighan Author Emotions, Editor Roles, and the Value of Dialogue Working with Doctoral Students The Development of Doctoral Students - Larry L Cummings Substantive and Emotional Perspectives Working with Doctoral Students - Susan J Ashford Reflections on Doctoral Work Past and Present Mentoring Relationships - Linn Van Dyne A Comparison of Experiences in Business and Academia Transitions and Turning Points in Faculty-Doctoral Student Relationships - Roderick M Kramer and Joanne Martin Getting Tenure Getting Tenure - Marilyn E Gist Rounding Corners - Toni C King An African-American Female Scholar's Pretenure Experiences Pause Point 1: Integration of Work and Nonwork Lives Thoughts on Integrating Your Work and Personal Life (and the Limits of Advice) - James P Walsh Holding It All Together - Marcy Crary PART THREE: MIDDLE RHYTHMS: TRADITIONAL PATHS Working Collaboratively Working Together - C R Hinings and Royston Greenwood Growing a Personal, Professional Collaboration - Jane E Dutton, Jean M Bartunek and Connie J G Gersick Three Voices Reflecting on Scholarly Career Journeys with International Collaboration - James G (Jerry) Hunt, Arja Ropo and Paeivi Eriksson Becoming a Reviewer Becoming a Reviewer - Elaine Romanelli Lessons Somewhat Painfully Learned The Act of Reviewing and Being a Reviewer - Huseyin Leblebici Balls, Strikes, and Collisions on the Base Path - Alan D Meyer Ruminations of a Veteran Reviewer Becoming a Journal Editor Becoming a Journal Editor - Janice M Beyer Work as a Parade of Decision Letters - Robert I Sutton Pleasures and Burdens of Being an Associate Editor at the Administrative Science Quarterly Becoming a Department Chair and an Administrator Alice in Academia - Nancy K Napier The Department Chairman Role from Both Sides of the Mirror Herding Cats Part Deux - Cynthia V Fukami The Hygiene Factor Becoming an Administrator - Allan R Cohen The Education of an Educator Becoming a Full Professor On Becoming a Professor - Ray V Montagno Becoming a Full Professor - Sara L Rynes Pause Point 2: The Overenriched Work Life Dealing with the Overenriched Work Life - Susan E Jackson PART FOUR: MIDDLE RHYTHMS: NONTRADITIONAL PATHS Working as a Consultant Midlife as a Consultant - Philip H Mirvis Working as a Consultant - Mary Ann Von Glinow Academic Imprimatur or Taboo? Developing Innovative Teaching Materials Rhythms of an Academic Life - Robert D Marx Reflections on Championing an Innovation in Academe - David A Whetten The Case of Management Skill Education Working inside the University Breaking Out, inside the University - Judy D Olian WORKING WITH POLICY MAKERS Working with Policy Makers - Paul R Sackett Pause Point 3: Another Look at Integrating Work and Nonwork Lives Confronting the Tensions in an Academic Career - Robert E Quinn, Regina M O'Neill and Gelaye Debebe Professional and Personal Life - Anne Sigismund Huff PART FIVE: RHYTHMS OF RENEWAL Taking a Sabbatical What's Next after 10 Years as Dean? Reflections of a Reemerging Professor - Andre L Delbecq A Sabbatical Journey - Meryl Reis Louis Toward Personal and Professional Renewal PART SIX: RHYTHMS OF THE FIELD A Look at the Future Business Schools in Transition - Raymond E Miles A Brief History of Business Education The External and Institutional Context of Business Higher Education - William H Mobley The Changing Role of the Business School's Environment - Robert B Duncan The Threat-Rigidity Response Is Real Business Schools in Transition - Marcia P Miceli An Associate Dean's Perspective Stakeholders and You - Janet P Near Embracing Change - James P Walsh We Get By with a Lot of Help from Our Friends Commentary - Peter J Frost and M Susan Taylor Conclusion