Introduction - Kim Marie Vaz Oral Narrative Research with Black Women PART ONE: Ancestor Mothers Ophelia and Me - Martia Graham Goodson Tribute to an Early Narrative Researcher Professions of Faith - Joycelyn Moody A Teacher Reflects on Women, Race, Church, and Spirit PART TWO: RESEARCH PROCESSES: GIVING VOICE What Do Women Know?...As I was saying! - Christine Obbo You Haven't Seen Anything Until You Make a Black Woman Mad - Arlene Hambrick Oral History - Georgia W Brown Louisiana Black Women's Memoirs PART THREE: RESEARCH PROCESSES: HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Talking about Sex and HIV - Renee T White Conceptualizing a New Sociology of Experience Methodological Issues in Triangulation - Jacqueline A Walcott-McQuigg Measuring Weight Control Behavior of African American Women Where Have all the Nice Old Ladies Gone? - Claudia J Gollop Researching the Health Information-Seeking Behavior of Older African American Women African American Women and the Emergence of Self-Will - Elizabeth A Peterson A Report on the Use of Phenomenological Research PART FOUR: RESEARCH PROCESSES: NEGOTIATING INSTITUTIONS Reconstructing the History of Musicians' Protective Union Local 274 through Oral Narrative Method - Diane D Turner Methodological Considerations in Field Research - Patricia Green-Powell Six Case Studies Social Conformity and Social Resistance - Kim Marie Vaz Women's Perspectives on `Women's Place' European American and African American Men and Women's Valuations of Feminist and Natural Science Methods in Psychology - Leslie Ann Kingman