Erica Burman is Senior Lecturer in Developmental Psychology and Women's Studies at The Manchester Metropolitan University. Her publications include Deconstructing Developmental Psychology (1994), Challenging Women: Psychology's Exclusions, Feminist Possibilities (co-authored, 1996) Psychology Discourse Practice: From Regulation to Resistance (co-authored, 1997) and Culture, Power and Difference (co-edited, 1997). CONTRIBUTORS OUTSIDE WESTERN HEMISPHERE Lisa Bird University of Wellington Frigga Haug Berlin Gordana Jovanovic University of Belgrade Amanda Kottler University of Cape Town Ann Levett University of Cape Town Margot Pujal i Llombert Universitat Autonoma Barcelona
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Deconstructing Feminist Psychology - Erica Burman Feminist Psychology or the History of a Non-Feminist Practice - Margot Pujal i Llombert Rethinking Role Theory and Its Aftermath - Heidi Sarriera Figueroa The Reciprocity of Psychology and Popular Culture - Mary Crawford Dances with Feminism - Lise Bird Sidestepping and Sandbagging Questions concerning Methods in Feminist Research of the Everyday - Frigga Haug Moving beyond Equality and Identity - Lenora Fulani Towards a Communicative Feminist Psychology - Gordana Jovanovi[ac]c Through a Lens, Darkly - Ann Levett and Amanda Kottler
`The book is a critical evaluation of feminist psychology, emphasising both its exclusions and its impact on mainstream psychology.... In contrast to many other feminist psychology publications, the majority of contributors live and work outside Britain and North America... While Western feminist psychologists are now in a position to examine feminist psychology's exclusion of difference , a number of the books contributor's highlight that, in other cultural contexts, feminist psychology itself has yet to impact on mainstream psychology in any significant way.... One aspect I particularly enjoyed was the (unusal) attemot to bridge the academic/practitioner divide by including contributions both from established academics and practitioners of psychology.... [the book] offers an insightful and accessible introduction to the subject in diverse geopollitical contexts outside the UK and the US. It is essential reading for those wishing to know more about feminist psychology across the globe' - The Psychologist