Introduction Cr[ac]edit Lyonnais - Fran[ci]coise Chevalier and Micha[um]el Segalla The Internationalization of a French Bank Glaverbel - Armand Spineux and Evelyne Leonard Success Story or Realpolitik? The Humanitarian Foundation (Huf) - S[o with a line through it]oren Christensen and Jan Molin Revitalizing an Old Organization Italdata Italiana - Carlo Turati Learning from the Chaos: The Irrational in Organizational Change Joaquin Candel - Carlos Obeso Rise and Fall of an Autocratic Leader Kogen [um]Osterreich - Karl Sandner Identity Lost Rhine and Rh[ci]one Transport - Hugo Letiche From Strong Cultural Fit to Weak Results SR-Bank - Martin Gjelsvik and Odd Nordhaug From Regulated Shelter to Deregulated Storm Rodeby School - Jan L[um]owstedt The Successful Organization of Professionals
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`The contributors to this book have provided a rare opportunity for students of comparitive management and those interested in international business.... This set of cases is timely, well crafted and extraodinarily useful for scholars and students alike' - Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management