The Emotions


Social, Cultural and Biological Dimensions

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Edited by Rom Harre, W Gerrod Parrott
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Rom Harre is a Fellow of Linacre College, Oxford and Professor of Psychology at Georgetown University, Washington, DC Professor W. Gerrod Parrott's central interest is the nature of human emotion. His published work has focused on three areas: philosophical and historical approaches to the concept of emotion; emotion's social foundations and functions, including such social emotions as embarrassment, shame, guilt, envy and jealousy; and the influence of emotion and emotional self-regulation on thought. He is the author of over 75 scholarly chapters and articles, and has published three books, Emotions and Culpability (with Norman Finkel, American Psychological Association, 2006), Emotions in Social Psychology (Psychology Press, 2001) and The Emotions: Social, Cultural, and Biological Dimensions (with Rom Harre', Sage, 1996). He served from 1995-1999 as Editor of the Journal Cognition and Emotion, and is presently the President of the International Society for Research on Emotion

INTRODUCTION: SOME COMPLEXITIES IN THE STUDY OF EMOTIONS Overview - W Gerrod Parrott and Rom Harr[ac]e Vignette 1 - Daniel N Robinson Aristotle on the Emotions Vignette 2 - James R Averill Intellectual Emotions PART ONE: THE SOCIAL DIMENSION OF EMOTIONS Embarrassment and the Threat to Character - W Gerrod Parrott and Rom Harr[ac]e Guilt and Remorse - Gabrielle Taylor Shame and Guilt in Early New England - John Demos Social Control of `Negative' Emotions - Janet Landman The Case of Regret Vignette 3 - Christopher Ricks Keats and Embarrassment Vignette 4 - Inmaculada Iglesias Verg[um]uenza Ajena PART TWO: HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL VARIETY IN EMOTIONS Historical Perspectives on Grief - Peter N Stearns and Mark Knapp Engendered Emotion - Catherine A Lutz Gender, Power and the Rhetoric of Emotional Control in American Discourse Emotion Talk across Cultures - Paul Heelas Vignette 5 - Kenneth T Strongman and Luke Strongman Maori Emotion PART THREE: THE BIOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS OF EMOTION An Analysis of Psychophysiological Symbolism and Its Influence on Theories of Emotion - James R Averill Bodily States and Context in Situated Lines of Action - Gerald P Ginsburg and Melanie E Harrington `Facial Expression of Emotion' and the Delusion of the Hermetic Self - Alan J Fridlund and Bradley Duchaine Emotional Self-Control and Self-Perception - James D Laird and Nicholas H Apostoleris Feelings Are the Solution, Not the Problem Self-Attention - Shame - Shyness - Modesty - Charles Darwin Blushing Vignette 6 - Keith Oatley Emotions: Communications to the Self and Others Vignette 7 - Kenneth T Strongman A Private Eye into Disgust

`There is much that is fascinating here. Long-established experiments and conclusions are rubbished and reinterpreted, long-established assumptions and beliefs about emotions are soundly trounced, and generally a good going-over is delivered to the whole field... it is such a blockbuster that one can only reel backwards and tell anyone studying the subject that they would be crazy not to get it' - Self & Society `The book consists of a series of erudite chapters on a wide array of emotions, including regret, hope, embarrassment and grief. It includes new research on emotion, but also incorporates a number of older key works, such as a chapter by Darwin on blushing. The book provides insight into why the biological perspective has dominated psychological explanations of emotion... A strong feature of the book is its emphasis on a range of emotions beyond the "basic" emotions. In order to explain other emotional reactions, theorists find it necessary to draw on social and cultural features... the book... forces more biologically inclined readers to consider whether their theories can be applied to the rich array of emotions' - The Psychologist

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