Actors, Social Action, and Systems - PART ONE: SOCIAL RULE SYSTEM THEORY Social Rule System Theory The Organization of Social Action and Social Forms Actors, Rule Systems, and Social Structure Rule Systems, Organization of Society, and Social Power Consensus and Conflict in Social Life Grammers of Social Institutions and the Structuring of Spheres of Social Action The Structuration of Markets and Other Distributional Regimes - PART TWO: MARKETS AND COLLECTIVE BARGAINING SYSTEMS Market Organization and Performance Properties Collective Bargaining Regimes and Their Transformation Multiple Rule Systems; Formal and Informal Social Organization - PART THREE: BUREAUCRACY AND FORMAL ORGANIZATIONS Local Public Administration as an Arena of Conflicting Rule Systems Hydro-Power Administration in a Changing World Industrialism, Environmentalism, and Center-Periphery Struggle in Norway Technology and Technique, Social Action, and Rule Systems - PART FOUR: EXPERTISE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATION A Modern Oracle and Politics Studies in Energy Forecasting Science and Practical Action The Study of Competing Logics Conclusion Principles of Social Organization in the Structuration of Modern Western Societies