INTRODUCTION Economic Sociology - Alberto Martinelli and Neil J Smelser Historical Threads and Analytic Issues PART ONE: CULTURAL AND INSTITUTIONAL CONTEXTS OF THE ECONOMY Ideology and Economic Activity - Michio Morishima Educational Systems and the Economy - A H Halsey PART TWO: ECONOMIC CO-ORDINATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Market and State in Advanced Capitalist Societies - Johannes Berger Market and State in Centrally Planned Economies - Andrzej K Ko[ac]zmi[ac]nski The Informal Economy - Arnaldo Bagnasco PART THREE: INTERNATIONAL LINKAGES AND NATIONAL SOCIETIES International Labour Migration and Class Relations - Ay[ci]se [um]Onc[um]u Transnational Corporations - Volker Bornschier and Hanspeter Stamm International Economies and Domestic Policies - Gary Gereffi International Financial Networks and Institutions - Richard Swedberg

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`contain(s) some provocative questions and insights those interested in macrosociological views of the economy could profit from.' - Contemporary Sociology