PART ONE: EXPERIENCES OF RACISM Multiracial Primary School Classrooms - Cecile Wright Reconceptualizing Black Students' Schooling Experience - Mairtin Mac an Ghaill PART TWO: NATIONAL AGENDA SETTING An Historical Analysis of Multicultural and Antiracist Education Policies - Barry Troyna The Hermeneutics of the Swann Report - Bhikhu Parekh Race, Schooling and the 1988 Education Reform Act - Jan Hardy and Chris Vieler-Porter PART THREE: THE LOCAL LEVEL Resisting Institutional Change - Herman Ouseley Race Policies and Programmes Under Attack - Robin Richardson Two Case Studies for the 1990s Local Management of Resources - Will Guy and Ian Menter Who Benefits? Antiracism in Education - Terry Allcott PART FOUR: INSTITUTIONAL POLICY Racist Incidents in Schools - Barry Troyna and Richard Hatcher Social Justice, Social Divisions and the Governing of Schools - Rosemary Deem, Kevin J Brehony and Sue Hemmings In-Service Provision and Teacher Resistance to Whole-School Change - Carl A Bagley PART FIVE: CLASSROOM PRACTICE Towards an Antiracist Initiative in the All-White Primary School - Geoffrey Short and Bruce Carrington Tackling Racism and Sexism in the Primary Classroom - Celia Burgess Racist Society, Racist Science - Kenneth Parker The Revelation of Caliban - Robert M Young The `Black Presence' in the Classroom
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`This volume is an excellent collection of important material and will be invaluable to all those concerned about the development of anti-racist and multicultural education' - SAGE Race Relations Abstracts