Medicine and Nursing


Professions in a Changing Health Service

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By Sylvia Walby, June Greenwell
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216.00h x 138.00w

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Sylvia Walby is a Distinguished Professor of Sociology and holds the UNESCO Chair in Gender Research, at Lancaster University. She is a 'public sociologist', engaged in research designed to have impact on the world, concerning gender inequality, violence and the economic crisis. The UNESCO Chair in Gender Research Group, led by Walby, who has held the Chair since 2008, focuses on internationally relevant research on gender relations, and on building global networks for research and policy exchange on gender issues. With colleagues, Walby has since 2008 obtained funding from: UK Economic and Social Research Council, Home Office, Equality and Human Rights Commission, Northern Rock Foundation, Trust for London, NSPCC; European Commission, European Parliament, European Institute for Gender Equality, EU Presidency, European Value Added Unit, the Council of Europe; UN Women, UNESCO; the New Zealand Ministry of Social Development, and the Canadian Ministry of Justice. Walby was a member of the HEFCE REF2014 sub-panel for Sociology, a Director of the UK National Commission for UNESCO (2011-3), President of the International Sociological Association Research Committee 02 Economy and Society (2006-10), founding President of the European Sociological Association (1995-7), and Chair of the Women's Studies Network, UK (1989-90). She has been awarded an OBE for services to equal opportunities and diversity (2008), and made a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (2008) and of the Royal Society of Arts (1996). Teaching is currently focused on 'violence and society' (undergraduate) and 'gender and violence' (MA).

Introduction Professional Boundaries Interprofessional Relations in Theory and History Fragmented and Functioning Teams Managing Professionals Post-Fordism and the Health Professions

`this remarkable book examines the practical and theoretical issues concerning the relationship between doctors and nurses in a changing health sercive. The empirical base of this study is the UK National Health Service; however, its problems have a wider international scope, which are typical in other countries where health services are likewise in the process of transformation.... This book will be particularly useful to those nurses who have an interest in the transformation of contemporary health services in Europe' - Nursing Ethics `Clearly identifies the theoretical and practical dilemmas faced by nurses and doctors as they face cost containment measures resulting from concerns about the demographic "time bomb" of a rapidly ageing population, and projections of increased excess demand for services.... provides an interesting focus on the theoretical and practical debate around employment change and will be useful to a range of academics, practitioners and students' - Medical Sociology News `A welcome addition to the burgeoning multidisciplinary literature on workers and work organization in the health services.... Chapter two gives the most cogent rendering of the field research findings covered by the book, with an analysis of the points of conflict which exists between doctors and nurses, covering the issues of `contested authority', `care versus treatment' and `patients first'. The chapter is well-written and can easily be followed by a non-medical reader... the status given current managerialist theory means that this is a book that will certainly get read: health service managers, are now hungry for this sort of literature.... This is a research and policy area of overwhelming importance which has been neglected in the past and is only now being seriously addressed. In this respect, [the book is] to be welcomed as [a] contribution which will further promote interest' - Work, Employment & Society `A timely and important book, of help to all of us facing our own type of change.... the book is written in a style that is both accessible and absorbing.... What is very helpful is how the authors use the evidence from their study to construct hypotheses as to how doctors and nurses are coping with the NHS reforms. Their description of the decentralised, flexible, multiskilled approach characterised by new management in the NHS is contrasted with the old habits and behaviour patterns. They ask the question, and the reader has to consider, whether, given the reality of many doctors' and nurses' experiences, the quest for a new management culture is nothing more than a puff of smoke masquerading as a `grotesque turbulence'. Medicine and Nursing is a thought-provoking book that has wide appeal and will help all members of the multiprofessional team think through their roles and responsibilities, particularly in the light of changes in junior doctors' hours and the expansion of the nurses' role' - British Medical Journal

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