Social-Political Governance - Jan Kooiman Introduction PART ONE: CONCEPTUALIZATIONS Governing Failures and the Problem of Governability - Renate Mayntz Some Comments on a Theoretical Paradigm Modes of Governance - Andrew Dunsire Governance and Governability - Jan Kooiman Using Complexity, Dynamics and Diversity PART TWO: PREDICAMENTS Lost Opportunity - Fr[ac]ed[ac]eric Royall The Case of Labour Market Management in the Republic of Ireland Public Policy Planning and the Problem of Governance - Kirsti Stenvall The Question of Education in Finland Women's Emancipation as a Question of Governance - Marijke Prins Actors, Institutions and the Room for Manoeuvre PART THREE: EXPERIENCES The Governance of Data Protection - Charles Raab Environmental Regulation of Business - Martijn van Vliet Options and Constraints for Communicative Governance Public-Private Partnership - Vincent Kouwenhoven A Model for the Management of Public-Private Cooperation Dynamics and Room for Manoeuvre in Governance - Mich[gr]ele Breuillard The Channel Tunnel Decision in France and Britain Governance between Legitimacy and Efficiency - Geert Bouckaert Citizen Participation in the Belgian Fire Services Governance in Interaction - Herman Aquina and Hans Bekke Public Tasks and Private Organisations PART FOUR: PROSPECTS FOR REFORM Public Management; from Imitation to Innovation - Les Metcalfe Complexity, Governance and Dynamics - Walter Kickert Conceptual Explorations of Public Network Management Governance and the Problem of Representation in Public Administration - Ky[um]osti Pekonen The Case of Finland Modes of Governance and Administrative Change - Torben Beck J[/]orgensen PART FIVE: EVALUATIONS The Governance of Education - Roger Duclaud-Williams Britain and France Findings, Speculations and Recommendations - Jan Kooiman