PART ONE: SOCIAL CHANGE IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY Society in Transition The American Dream Accord in the Post-World War II Era End of a Century, End of an Era Implications PART TWO: FROM INDUSTRIAL ECONOMY TO FLEXIBLE ECONOMY The Labor-Capital Accord The Breakdown of the Accord The Emerging Economy Conclusions PART THREE: WORK IN THE FLEXIBLE ECONOMY Labor Market Segmentation Work in the Accord Years The Stable Workplace Work in the Post-Accord Years The Flexible Workplace The Challenge to Education Conclusions PART FOUR: FLEXIBLE FAMILIES From Pre-Industrial Families to Modern Families Accord-Era Families Forming Flexible Families Conclusions PART FIVE: THE CHANGING ROLE OF GOVERNMENT Levels of Government Involvement The Uninvolved State The Involved State The Distracted State Conclusions PART SIX: CULTURE IN A CHANGING WORLD Culture The Creation of Meaning Forces of Cultural Change Globalization and Cultural Change Conclusions PART SEVEN: TRANSITION TO THE FUTURE The Decline of the Postwar Social Contract, Revisited A New Era of Flexibility Possible Worlds Conclusions