York W. Bradshaw is Professor and Chair of Sociology at the University of Memphis. Prior to this position, he was Director of African Studies and Professor of Sociology at Indiana University, Bloomington. He has also taught and lectured at a number of African universities in Kenya, Zambia, and South Africa. Professor Bradshaw has written and taught on a number of topics, including education and health in developing countries, debt and economic adjustment in poor regions, and African and Asian development. His most recent book is The Uncertain Promise of Southern Africa (edited with Stephen Ndegwa). Joseph F. Healey is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Christopher Newport University in Virginia. He received his PhD in sociology and anthropology from the University of Virginia. An innovative and experienced teacher of numerous race and ethnicity courses, he has written articles on minority groups, the sociology of sport, social movements, and violence, and he is also the author of Statistics: A Tool for Social Research (10th ed., 2014). Rebecca Smith is a freelance writer and editor who has worked extensively with Pine Forge Press on many of our publications. She teaches written, oral, and interpersonal communication skills to working adults through the University of California, San Diego.
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Graphics Preface 1. A Global View of Society. How Can Sociology Help Us Understanding Global Trends - Y.W. Bradshaw The Interconnected World Sociology's Contribution to Understanding Global Issues A Global Perspective The Book's Themes: Global Trends A Look Forward Key Concepts Active Learning Topical Essay. My Personal Journey to a Global Perspective - T.J. Dawson 2. Sociology and Society. How Does Sociological Theory Help Us Interpret the World - J.F. Healey The Origins of Sociology The Sociological Perspective The Continuing Relevance of Marx, Weber, and Durkheim Conclusion Key Concepts Active Learning Topical Essay. The Globalization of Taste - N. Hart 3. Sociology and Science. How Do Sociologists Investigate Questions about Society? - J.F. Healey Using Science to Examine a Social Problem: Is American Society Disintegrating? Approaching the Problem: The Scientific Method Gathering Data Conclusion Key Concepts Active Learning 4. Culture and Society. Can Local Culture Coexist with Global Culture? - J.F. Healey A Sociological Perspective on Culture Culture and Community Elements of Culture The Construction of Culture Culture Change The Globalization of Culture Conclusion Key Concepts Active Learning Topical Essay. How Culture Shapes Schooling - S. Brint Topical Essay. Loal Gods and Universal Faiths - L.R. Kurtz 5. Inequality. Are the Rich Getting Richer and the Poor Getting Poorer? - J.F. Healey Sociological Perspective on Inequality The Evolution of Inequality Increasing Inequality in the United States Inequality around the Globe Conclusion Key Concepts Active Learning 6. Assimilation and Pluralism. Will Racial and Ethnic Groups Persist? - J.F. Healey Global Species Consolidation: Analyzing Race and Ethnicity Social Relations in a Differentiated World Contact Situations: Conquest and Colonization Contact Situations: Immigration Conclusion Key Concepts Active Learning 7. Gender. How Is Globalization Affecting Inequalities between Women and Men? - P. Fernandez-Kelly & K.M. Fallon Sociological Perspectives on Gender Relations Gender Inequality Today: A Global Concern Gender in Comparative Perspective Conclusion Key Concepts Active Learning Topical Essay. Sex as a Global Commodity - J. Nagel 8. Families. What Is Happening to Families in a Changing World? - D. Lye and Y.W. Bradshaw A Sociological Approach to the Family Recent Trends in Family Life The Causes of Family Change The Conseuquences of Family Change Conclusion Key Concepts Active Learning 9. Crime and Punishment. Can Crime be Controlled? - J.F. Healey Defining and Measuring Crime Theorizing about the Causes of Crime Controlling Crime Conclusion Key Concepts Active Learning 10. Economics and Politics. Does Democracy Have a Future? - J. Markoff The Rise of the Modern State Globalization and the State, Yesterday and Today Challenges to the Economic and Political Status Quo Threatened Democracy Attempts by States (and Their Citizens) to Control Globalization Conclusion Key Concepts Active Learning Topical Essa. Activists Crusade against Sweatshops - G.W. Seidman PART II. AT ISSUE: SOCIOLOGY EXAMINES A NEW CENTURY 11. The Changing Face of War - Y.W. Bradshaw Yugoslavia, 1990s: Lessons Unlearned Voices of War The Responsibility to Stop Someone Else's War The Limitations of Peacekeeping Five Recommendations for Ending War Thinking about the Topic of War 12. The Future of Work - K.T. Leicht Workplace Change and Your Labor Market Prospects The Social Consequences of the Changing Workplace The Hopes and Fears of the New Workplace Thinking about the Topic of Work 13. Can the World Develop and Sustain Its Environment? - M.M. Bell We Consuming Humans Owning Up to What We Own The Sociology of Environmental Inaction The Social Organization of Consumption Social Power and the Social Organization of Consumption Virtual Environmentalism and the Social Reorganization of Consumption Thinking about the Topic of Sustainable Development 14. How Many People Is Too Many People? - D. Lye How Does Population Grow? How Many People Can Earth Support? Can We Slow Population Growth? A Reality Check Thinking about the Topic of Population Growth 15. The Global Healthcare Challenge - N. Mbugua The Grim Reality of Healthcare in Lower-Income Countries The Great Divide: Haves versus Have-nots The Healthcare Challenge of the Twenty-First Century Thinking about the Topic of Healthcare 16. Creating Positive Social Change - Y.W. Bradshaw What Solutions Does Sociology Suggest? What Can Individuals Do? Thinking about the Topic of Positive Social Change Authors and Contributors References Photo Credits Glossary/Index Appendix: A Sociologist's Atlas - K.M. Fallon
"This book engages and challenges from page one. It demonstrates page after page, in both the chapters and topical essays, that the sociological perspective is relevant and valuable for understanding social organization and social life in this age of globalization." -- Tracy Burkett "This is clearly a better book than other introductory books that claim to take a global perspective: better because the theoretical lens is more sophisticated and timely; better because the organization makes sense, because the arguments are coherent, and because I can imagine that others will find it possible to use in the classroom." -- Peter Bearman "I like the global approach of the book. Most introductory texts focus narrowly upon American society, and this book does a much better job of locating national analysis within the global context." -- Thomas A. Hirschl "Each chapter contains rich, timely case studies and vignettes3/4 on teen suicide, student credit card debt, genocide in Rwanda, the World Trade Organization protests3/4 that personalize or contextualize the topic. At the same time, major sociological concepts, theories, and methodological principles are covered and applied. Strong integration between chapters provides continuity and comparison." -- Kristin Park