Critical Race Theory and Social Studies Futures


From the Nightmare of Racial Realism to Dreaming Out Loud

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Edited by Amanda E. Vickery, Noreen Naseem Rodriguez, Foreword by Tyrone C. Howard, Afterword by Cinthia Salinas, Series edited by Wayne Journell
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Amanda E. Vickery is an associate professor of social studies education and anti-racist education at the University of North Texas. Noreen Naseem Rodriguez is an assistant professor of teacher learning, research, and practice in the School of Education at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Contents Foreword Tyrone C. Howard ?ix Introduction Amanda E. Vickery and Noreen Naseem Rodriguez ?1 PART I: A Dream Deferred 1. ?Beyond the Guise of Racial Neutrality: A CRT Analysis of Critical Moments and the Social Studies Profession ?23 Christopher L. Busey 2. ?What's Left Unsaid: A Critical Race Theory Analysis of NCSS Position Statements ?35 Kristen E. Duncan and Natasha Murray-Everett 3. ?Steady at the Bottom of the Well: Anti-Blackness and Social Studies Historiographies ?47 ArCasia D. James-Gallaway Part II: Racial Realities in Classroom Spaces 4. ?Unsettling Scenes and the Geographies of Racialized, Dis/abled Childhoods ?59 Tran N. Templeton and Maggie Harvey 5. ?Counterstorytelling and Racial Inquiry in Early Childhood Social Studies ?69 Anna Falkner 6. ?The Global Color-Line: Critical Race Theory and Global Citizenship Education in Conversation and in Classrooms ?79 Hanadi Shatara and Esther June Kim 7. ?Being in Difference, Together: Making the Classroom an Academic Home Through Critical Race Theory ?89 Tadashi Dozono Part III: Possibilities of Praxis 8. ?Another Social Studies Is Possible: Challenging the Violence of Organized Forgetting Through Counternarratives ?101 Ramon Vasquez 9. ?Deconstructing Social Studies Classrooms: Youth Participatory Action Research as a Process of Radical Space-Making, Empowerment, and Imagination ?111 Eva Garcia, Amina Smaller, and Ryan Oto 10. ?Enacting Cultural Citizenship Education for Black Liberation: A Dream for Social Studies Education ?120 Denisha Jones 11. ?Nurturing Seeds and Dreams of Freedom: Ethnic Studies as the Practice of Humanization, Solidarity, and Love ?130 Christina Shiao-Mei Villarreal 12. ?Sonando en/del Sur Latinx: Letting the Youth Disrupt Narratives of Division ?140 Jesus A. Tirado and Timothy Monreal Part IV: Dreaming of Social Studies Futures 13. ?Indigenous Futurities and the Responsibilities of Social Studies ?153 Turtle Island Social Studies Collective 14. ?Teaching the Fullness of Black Women's Lives in Social Studies Education ?164 Tiffany Mitchell Patterson 15. ?Who's Afraid of Queer/Quare Social Studies? ?174 Jon M. Wargo 16. ?From a Curriculum of Violence to a Curriculum of Humanity: An AsianCrit Critique and Dream of Social Studies ?182 Sohyun An 17. ?On the Other Side of a Dream: Community, Love, Joy, and Freedom-Economics as It Could Be ?192 Neil Shanks and Delandrea Hall Conclusion Amanda E. Vickery and Noreen Naseem Rodriguez ?202 Afterword Cinthia Salinas ?210 Notes ?212 About the Contributors ?214 Index ?219

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