Whiteness in the Ivory Tower


WhyDon't We Notice the White Students Sitting Together in the Quad?

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By Nolan L. Cabrera, Series edited by James A. Banks
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Nolan L. Cabrera is a professor of educational policy studies and practice at the University of Arizona. He is an award-winning author, a recipient of the prestigious education early career award and the National Academy of Education/Spencer postdoctoral fellowship, and an expert witness in Gonzalez v. Douglas-the case that overturned Arizona's ban on Mexican American Studies.

Contents Series Foreword James A. Banks ?ix Preface ?xv Acknowledgments ?xix Introduction: Whiteness in Higher Education: Racism Hidden in Plain Sight ?1 On the Promise and Problematics of Critical Whiteness Studies ?6 Overview of the Book ?8 1. ?Toward a Unified Theory of Whiteness in Higher Education ?11 With Maria Jose Hernadez and Lauren M. Badajos Whiteness in Higher Education: The Core Concepts ?12 Racial Structures and Ideologies ?13 Organizational Racial Concepts ?18 Individualized Racial Concepts (Linked to Systemic Realities) ?20 Toward a Unified Theory of Whiteness in Higher Education ?25 Conclusion ?27 2. ?Why Don't We Notice White Segregation? Whiteness, Invisibility, and Racial Exclusion ?29 Self-Segregation/Campus Balkanization-Three Decades of Debate and Race-Lighting ?30 Campus Self-Segregation: Who's Really Doing It? ?32 White Folk Segregate: So What? ?35 Why Don't We Notice the White Kids Sitting Together in the Quad? ?37 Affirmative Action vs. Legacy Admits: Another Case of "What Group?" ?38 Conclusion ?41 3. ?White Knowledge? It's Complicated ?43 Academic Freedom ?45 Academic Freedom vs. Freedom of Speech ?46 Whiteness and Academic Freedom ?47 Demands for Non-White Knowledge, I: Ethnic Studies ?49 Demands for Non-White Knowledge, II: Critical Race Theory ?52 (Academic) Racial Capitalism and Return on Educational Investment ?54 On Objectivity ?58 Academic Harm ?60 Toward Academic Responsibility and an Academic Hippocratic Oath ?61 Conclusion ?64 4. ?"It's All Part of the Plan": Whiteness, Race, and Organizational Structure ?65 Whiteness and Institutional Logics ?67 What Does This Mean in Structure and Practice? ?70 The Faustian Bargain of College Rankings ?71 The More Things Change, the More Things Stay the Same ?75 Disrupting "the Plan" in Higher Education Organizations ?76 Divorce: Standardized Tests and Rankings ?78 Conclusion ?80 5. ?White Guys (Still) in Charge: Whiteness and Higher Education Leadership ?83 Whiteness and the College Presidency ?84 The Complicated Legacy of Michael Crow ?88 The Manufactured Outrage Against Non-White Knowledge ?93 Rehabilitating Higher Education Leadership ?101 Conclusion ?104 6. ?Whiteness Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry: The Anatomy of a Racial Non-Apology and Apology ?107 Case Study: The Daily Wildcat Controversy ?108 The Response ?109 Again?!?!?! ?112 The Anatomy of a Racial Apology ?113 From Denial to Accountability ?115 Conclusion ?116 7. ?Conclusion: Centering BIPOC Communities, Divorcing From Whiteness, and Institutionalizing Antiracism ?119 Divorcing From the Logics of (Academic) Racial Capitalism ?120 Cancel Culture? ?125 Fostering Joy: Divorcing From Whiteness Is Insufficient ?127 Endnotes ?131 References ?134 Name Index ?159 Subject Index ?165 About the Author ?171

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