Leading and Learning Together


Cultivating School Change From Within

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By Lynda Tredway, Matthew Militello, Joseph Flessa, Foreword by Monica Byrne-Jimenez
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Lynda Tredway is a program coordinator at East Carolina University. Matthew Militello is the Wells Fargo Distinguished Professor of Educational Leadership at East Carolina University. Joseph Flessa is an associate dean and a professor in the Department of Leadership, Higher, and Adult Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.

Contents Foreword ?ix Appreciations ?xi Introduction ?1 Our Stories ?3 Leading and Learning Together ?4 Structure of the Book ?6 Part I: The Capacity We Need to Cultivate Change 1. ?The Leadership Pivot: From Single to Many ?11 Disciplinary Approaches to Leadership ?11 Circular Leadership ?13 Leadership for Social Justice ?16 Conclusion ?17 Resources and Tools for Chapter 1 ?17 2. ?The Pedagogy of Trust: Setting the Necessary Conditions ?18 Gracious Space ?19 Dynamic Mindfulness ?22 Arts Integration ?23 Personal Narratives ?23 Addressing Conflict ?27 Organizational Meetings: In-Person and Virtual Learning Exchanges ?29 Conclusion ?30 Resources and Tools for Chapter 2 ?31 3. ?Community as Text: Harnessing the Assets of People and Place ?32 Community Learning Exchange Axioms ?33 Ecologies of Knowing ?34 Our Communities as Text ?36 The Role of Storytelling: Platicas and Testimonios ?38 Conclusion ?41 Resources and Tools for Chapter 3 ?42 Part II: Changes in Practice 4. ?Practitioner-Research in Action ?45 Leaders and Teachers as Practitioner-Researchers ?45 Community Learning Exchange Pedagogy and Protocols ?47 Liberatory Design: Modes, Mindsets, and Actions ?56 Conclusion ?61 Resources and Tools for Chapter 4 ?61 5. ?Evidence-Based Observations ?62 Equitable Access and Rigor ?64 Instructional Antidotes: Tried-and-True Practices ?67 Useful Observation Processes ?68 Conclusion ?78 Resources and Tools for Chapter 5 ?78 6. ?Effective Conversations, Not Feedback ?79 Shifting to Post-Observation Conversations ?81 Effective Conversation Guide ?82 Results of Engaging in Effective Post-Observation Conversations ?87 Analysis of Post-Observation Conversations ?89 Resources and Tools for Chapter 6 ?91 7. ?Authentic and Meaningful Professional Learning ?92 Transfer to Classroom Practices: Temporary or Permanent? ?94 Reimagining District and School Leadership ?101 Conclusion ?105 Resources and Tools for Chapter 7 ?105 8. ?Leading and Learning With Joy and Justice ?106 Glossary ?112 Appendix A: Resources ?115 Appendix B: EdD Dissertations of Practitioner-Researchers ?117 Appendix C: General Resources for Leading and Learning Together: Cultivating School Change From Within Community Learning Exchange ?122 References ?123 Index ?137 About the Authors ?145

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