A vivid, eye-witness account of the fall of France and the how to "Total War." In War in the West Mr. Vilroy gives us the premier authoritatively revealing record-book born of the Second World War. A French staff officer, on and off the battlefield he watched and studied the German blitz that mocked the massive Maginot Line, and the astounding collapse of French morale that shackled the land. In War in the West one gets the blood and bones of history of which until now little in coherent, correct detail and perspective has been narrated. For civilian and military readers it is a dependable guide to full understanding of what this war means to Americans and the United Nations. Mr. Vilfroy writes easily and clearly, with force and charm. He projects the books against a broad background of military science and strategy and civilian psychology. With exceptional ability he interprets conditions, men and motives. He reduces complicated military maneuvers to simple, readily understood essentials.