1. Introduction: Religious, Racial, and Ethnic Identities of the New Second Generation Part I : Re l igious Primacy2. The Diversity-Affirming Latino: Ethnic Options and the Ethnic Transcendent Expression of American Latino Religious Identity 3. Islam Is to Catholicism as Teflon Is to Velcro: Religion and Culture among Muslims and Latinas 4. Second-Generation Asian Americans and Judaism Part I I : Racial i z ed Re l igion5. Second-Generation Latin@ Faith Institutions and Identity Formations 6. Latinos and Faith-Based Recovery from Gangs Part I I I : Hybrid i z ed Ethnore l igion7. Racial Insularity and Ethnic Faith: The Emerging Korean American Religious Elite 8. Second-Generation Filipino American Faithful: Are They "Praying and Sending"? 9. Second-Generation Korean American Christians' Communities:Congregational Hybridity Part IV : Minority Re l igions and Fami ly Trad itioning10. Second-Generation Chinese Americans: The Familism of the Nonreligious 11. "I Would Pay Homage, Not Go All 'Bling'": Vietnamese American Youth Reflect on Family and Religious Life 12. Religion in the Lives of Second-Generation Indian American Hindus About the ContributorsIndex