Preface Introduction Nancy E. Dowd 1 Redefining the Footprint of Juvenile Justice in America Shay Bilchik 2 Delinquency and Daycare David R. Katner 3 Challenging the Overuse of Foster Care and Disrupting the Path to Delinquency and Prison Leslie Joan Harris 4 Preventing Incarceration through Special Education and Mental Health Collaboration for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Joseph C. Gagnon and Brian R. Barber 5 Looking for Air Theresa Glennon 6 The Black Nationalist Cure to Disproportionate Minority Contact Kenneth B. Nunn 7 Girl Matters Lawanda Ravoira and Vanessa Patino 8 Supporting Queer Youth Sarah Valentine 9 Deterring Serious and Chronic Offenders Thomas A. Loughran, Alex R. Piquero, Jeffrey Fagan, and Edward P. Mulvey 10 "I Want to Talk to My Mom" Stephen M. Reba, Randee J. Waldman, and Barbara Bennett Woodhouse 11 Moving beyond Exclusion Thalia N. C. Gonzalez and Benjamin Cairns 12 The Line of Prevention Khary Lazarre-White 13 What It Takes to Transform a School inside a Juvenile Justice Facility David Domenici and James Forman Jr. About the Contributors Index