part i Miscegenation, Intermarriage, and the Law A. The History of the Anti-Miscegenation Laws B. The Road to Loving v. Virginia and Its Impact C. Beyond Black and White part ii Racial Identity A. Legal Simplicity: The "One Drop" B. Real Complexity C. Mestizaje and La Raza Cosmica D. Indians, Intermarriage, and the Law of Indian Identity part iii "Passing" part iv The Census part v Inheritance Rights part vi Discrimination and "Colorism" part vii Af?rmative Action: "Box Checking" and Advantage-Taking part viii Race, Child Custody, and Transracial Adoption A. Child Custody B. Transracial Adoption C. The Indian Child Welfare Act part ix The Immigration and Naturalization Laws part x Racial Mixture Outside the United States part xi A Mixed Race Society: The End of Racism? part xii Future Mixed Race Legal Studies