Editor's Introduction Steven T. KatzPart I1 Is There a Religious Meaning to the Idea of a Chosen People after the Shoah?2 The Issue of Con?rmation and Discon?rmation in Jewish Thought after the Shoah 3 Philosophical and Midrashic Thinking on the Fateful Events of Jewish History 4 The Holocaust: Lessons, Explanation, Meaning 5 Between Holocaust and Redemption: Silence, Cognition, and Eclipse 6 Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Thought about the Holocaustsince World War II7 Theological Re?ections on the Holocaust8 Building amidst Devastation9 Two Jewish Approaches to Evil in History10 A Call to Humility and Jewish Unity in the Aftermath of the HolocaustPart II11 Is There a Religious Meaning to the Rebirth of the State of Israel after the Shoah?12 The Concept of Exile as a Model for Dealing with the Holocaust 13 Is There a Theological Connection between the Holocaust and the Reestablishment of the State of Israel? 14 The Holocaust and the State of Israel15 Theology and the Holocaust16 Educational Implications of Holocaust and Rebirth About the Contributors Index of Names Index of Places