List of Figures, Maps, and Tables Acknowledgments Introduction A Note on Method 1 "For the best ordering of the militia": English Military Precedent and the Early Massachusetts Bay Militia 2 The Massachusetts Bay Militia and the Practice of Impressment during King Philip's War 3 Many Men, Many Choices: Impressment in Essex County's Thriving Towns 4 Few Men, Few Options: Impressment in Essex County's Small Towns 5 The Pressed Men of Essex County: The Social Identity of the Soldiers of King Philip's War 6 The Effects of Impressment: War and Peace in Essex County Afterword: Military of Massachusetts Bay Transformed Appendix 1: The Soldiers of Essex County in King Philip's War Appendix 2: Rowley's 1662 Tax List: Ranked by Family with Soldiers' Families Highlighted Appendix 3: Topsfield's 1668 Tax List: Ranked by Family with Soldiers' Families Highlighted Appendix 4: An Examination of the Age of Essex County Soldiers and Officers in King Philip's War Appendix 5: The Occupations of the Soldiers of Essex County Abbreviations Used in Notes Notes Selected Bibliography Permissions Index About the Author