Part I: Introduction1. Introduction 2. Virtual Worlds: A PrimerPart II: Game Gods and Game Players3. Virtual Worldliness 4. Declaring the Rights of Players5. The Right to Play 6. Law and Liberty in Virtual Worlds Part III: Property and Creativity in Virtual Worlds7. Virtual Crime 8. Owned! Intellectual Property in the Age of eBayers, Gold Farmers, and Other Enemies of the Virtual State9. Virtual Power Politics 10. Escaping the Gilded Cage: User-Created Content and Building the Metaverse11. There Is No Spoon Part IV: Privacy and Identity in Virtual Worlds12. Who Killed Miss Norway? 13. Who's in Charge of Who I Am? Identity and Law Online14. Privacy and Data Collection in Virtual Worlds Part V: Virtual Worlds and Real-World Power15. Virtual Worlds, Real Rules: Using Virtual Worlds to Test Legal Rules16. The New Visual Literacy: How the Screen A?ects the Law17. Democracy-The Video Game: Virtual Worlds and the Future of Collective ActionAbout the Contributors Acknowledgments Case List Index