Ann E. Potter, PhD, has worked over 45 years in the mental health field as a psychiatric nurse, educator, therapist, psychologist, evaluator, researcher, writer, presenter, and consultant. Her bachelors degree is in Nursing from Creighton University, masters degree in Counseling from UNOmaha, and doctorate in Counseling Psychology from UNLincoln. She has been in private practice since 1989. Dr. Potters areas of expertise include trauma, attachment, addictions, personality disorders, domestic violence and sexual assault, and she has specialized training in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Radical Openness Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO DBT). She is a certified therapist and approved consultant in EMDR and a certified RO DBT therapist. She piloted outcome research related to phase-based trauma treatment (DBT/EMDR) for adults and published articles on the roles adults played as children in alcoholic families, a therapist manual and companion client workbook on trauma treatment, and articles on EMDR therapy.
Debra Wesselmann, MS, LIMHP, has specialized in treating trauma and attachment problems in adults and children for over 30 years and co-founded The Attachment and Trauma Center of Nebraska in Omaha, Nebraska. She is an EMDR Institute trainer and develops EMDR specialty child and adult attachment and trauma-focused trainings for clinicians and trains clinicians online, around the United States, and overseas. She is an EMDRIA-approved consultant and serves on the editorial board for The Journal of EMDR Practice and Research. Wesselmann has co-authored articles, chapters, and books related to attachment and trauma, including two chapters that were co-authorized with Francine Shapiro and the recent treatment manual for the EMDR and family therapy integrative model as well as the companion parent guide, both published by W.W. Norton. She has been invited to give workshops and keynotes at numerous conferences nationally and internationally.