Andrew Geddes is Professor of Politics and Co-Director of the Faculty of Social Sciences Migration Research Group at the University of Sheffield. He was awarded a European Research Council Advanced Investigator grant for 2014-19 to analyse the drivers of global migration governance through comparison of Europe, North America, South America and Asia-Pacific.
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VOLUME ONE Theories of International Migration: A Review and Appraisal - Douglas Massey et al Modes of Immigration Politics in Liberal Democratic States - Gary Freeman The Next Waves: Migration Theory for a Changing World - Aristide Zolberg Family and Personal Networks in International Migration: Recent Developments and New Agendas - Monica Boyd Why Liberal States Accept Unwanted Immigration - Christian Joppke Europe's Border Relationships and International Migration Relations Old and New - Andrew Geddes Public Opinion Toward Immigration in the European Union: Does It Matter? - Gallya Lahav International Migration and Foreign Policy - Christopher Mitchell International Relations, Domestic Politics and Asylum Admissions in the United States - Idean Salehyan and Marc Rosenblum Security, Stability and International Migration - Myron Wiener Security and the Political Economy of International Migration - Christopher Rudolph The Migration-Development Nexus Evidence and Policy Options State-of-the-Art Overview - Ninna Nyberg-Sorensen , Nicholas Van Hear and Poul Engberg-Pedersen VOLUME TWO Shifting Paradigms of Globalization: The Twenty-First Century Transition Towards Generics in Skilled Migration from India - Binod Khadria Issues and Recent Trends in International Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa - Aderanti Adepoju Preparing for a Warmer World: Towards a Global Governance System to Protect Climate Refugees - Frank Biermann and Ingrid Boas Political Violence and the Uprooted in the Horn of Africa: A Study of Refugee Flows from Ethiopia - Assefaw Bariagaber Refugee or Internally Displaced Person? To Where Should One Flee? - Will Moore and Stephen Shellman Conceptualizing Simultaneity: A Transnational Social Field Perspective on Society - Peggy Levitt and Nina Glick Schiller The Escalation of US Immigration Control in the Post-NAFTA Era - Peter Andreas Liberal Democratic States and Responsibilities to Refugees - Matthew Gibney Birds of Passage Are Also Women - Mirjana Morokvasic Borders beyond Control - Jagdish Bhagwati The Factors That Make and Unmake Migration Policies - Stephen Castles The Triumph of Instrumental Citizenship? Migrations, Identities and the Nation-State in Southeast Asia - Filomeno Aguilar Mobilizing International Norms: Domestic Actors, Immigrants and the Japanese State - Amy Gurowitz Female 'Birds Of Passage' A Decade Later: Gender and Immigration in the European Union - Eleanore Kofman Aliens and Citizens: The Case for Open Borders - Joseph Carens VOLUME THREE Death at the Border: Efficacy and Unintended Consequences of US Immigration Control Policy - Wayne Cornelius Tampering with Refugee Protection: The Case of Australia - Alice Edwards Do Migrants Remit Democracy? International Migration, Political Beliefs and Behavior in Mexico - Clarisa Perez-Armendariz and David Crow Immigration Control in Australia - Robert Birrell US Migration from Latin America: Gendered Patterns and Shifts - Katharine Donato Clandestine Migration in Europe - Franck D vell Borders for Whom? The Role of NAFTA in Mexico-US Migration - Patricia Fernandez-Kelly and Douglas Massey The Cumulative Causation of International Migration in Latin America - Elizabeth Fussell Caribbean Migration to the Mainland: A Review of Adaptive Experiences - John Garcia A Reappraisal of the State Sovereignty Debate: The Case of Migration Control - Virginie Guiraudon and Gallya Lahav Globalization, Embedded Realism and Path Dependence: The Other Immigrants to Europe - Randall Hansen Transnational Migration as a Small Window on the Diminished Autonomy of the Modern Democratic State - Martin Heisler The Shifting Grounds for Immigration - Michael Piore Feminization of Labor Migration as Violence Against Women: International, Regional and Local Non-Governmental Organization Responses in Asia - Nicola Piper Migration and Underdevelopment - A Portes International Migration - Henry Pratt Fairchild The Transnational Nexus of Migration - Rosemarie Rogers Crisis or Adaptation? Migration and Climate Change in a Context of High Mobility - Cecilia Tacoli Transnationalization in International Migration: Implications for the Study of Citizenship and Culture - Thomas Faist VOLUME FOUR On International Migration and International Relations - Myron Weiner Markets against Politics: Migration, EU Enlargement and the Idea of Europe - Adrian Favell and Randall Hansen Towards a Political Theory of Migrant Transnationalism - Rainer Bauboeck Sending Countries and the Politics of Emigration and Destination - Barbara Schmitter Heisler Sexual Trafficking in Women: International Political Economy and the Politics of Sex - Andrea Marie Bertone The Emerging Migration State - James Hollifield The European Union and the Securitization of Migration - Jef Huysmans The Myth of Invasion: The Inconvenient Realities of African Migration to Europe - Hein de Haas The Ethics of Labor Migration Policy - Martin Ruhs and Ha-Joon Chang No Vacancy: The Political Geography of Immigration Control in Advanced Industrial Countries - Jeanette Money The Causes of Convergence in Western Immigration Control - Eytan Meyers Liberal Multiculturalism: Protective and Polyglot - Robert Goodin Migration Control and Migrant Fatalities at the Spanish-African Borders - Jorgen Carling Integrating Ideas into Policy-Making Analysis: Frames and Race Policies in Britain and France - Erik Bleich The Legal-Domestic Sources of Immigrant Rights: The United States, Germany and the European Union - Christian Joppke European Integration, Public Opinion and Immigration Policy: Testing the Impact of National Identity - Adam Luedtke