Jackie has worked with primary, early years and secondary student teachers as a Senior Lecturer, Co-ordinator of the Primary Postgraduate programme at the University of Chester. She is currently Leader of the English Team at Chester. She was recently seconded to work on National Literacy Strategy materials for student teachers, being particularly interested in developing guided group work in speaking and listening. As well as the usual work of a University lecturer, Jackie is committed to encouraging writing in the community and is chairing the judging panel for the High Sherriff's Cheshire Prize for Literature this year.

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What Teachers of Literacy Know and Do Speaking and Listening Reading for Understanding Teaching Phonics for Reading and Writing Learning and Teaching Writing: The Knowledge and Processes of Composing Text Accuracy and Presentation: The Secretarial Aspects of Writing Inclusive Learning and Teaching of English Information and Communication Technologies in the Teaching of English English and Literacy beyond the Classroom Planning to Ensure Progress in English Assessment and Targeting in English
'Jackie Brien obviously understands students' needs and their course requirements. I have no doubt that, for the near future at least, this will become their reference book of choice because it is easy to use and in relatively few pages, they are introduced to the main features of good English and literacy teaching and perhaps more importantly, they are encouraged to think deeply about it' -Barbara Conridge, NATE Primary Committee, English Drama Media 'This book provides real breadth and depth in the essential areas of subject knowledge for ITE students. Within this detailed and comprehensive coverage Jackie Brien also gives access to some of the most important background debates and related educational arguments, to help students make sense of current approaches and initiatives in literacy teaching. Theoretical positions are brought to life with examples of classroom data; and the importance of beginner teachers developing professional confidence based on significant understanding of literacy learning and teaching is emphasised throughout. The book has an excellent structure with short, taster sections of expert reflection from recognised authorities, encouraging students to read on and investigate further. In addition each chapter has a range of clearly signalled prompts inviting hands-on activity, discussion and reflection. This is a great book for guiding the developing literacy knowledge of ITE students and NQTs' - Julie Bowtell, University of Hertfordshire This engaging book will appeal to student teachers seeking to update their subject knowledge and reflect upon their practice. The structure of chapters enables the reader to dip into text to find items of interest, the Expert Reflection boxes adds an interesting dimension too. The chapter titles reflect the zeitgeist in primary English and readers will find those on phonics, assessment and inclusion particularly helpful. This book will set a marker for those of us who produce similar texts. -David Waugh, Director of Primary Programmes, Durham University