Critical Management Studies


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Edited by Mats Alvesson, Hugh Willmott
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Mats Alvesson is Professor of Organization Studies at the University of Bath, and also affiliated with Lund University, Stockholm School of Economics and Bayes Business School, City, University of London.

VOLUME ONE: CRITICAL MANAGEMENT STUDIES: OVERVIEWS, ORIGINS, DEVELOPMENTS AND DEBATES Origins and Early Developments The Servants of Power - L. Baritz Organizations: A Dialectical View - J.K. Benson Introduction - S. Clegg and D. Dunkerley One-Dimensional Management Science: The Making of a Technocratic Consciousness - T. Tinker and T. Lowe Towards a Critical Management Science - S. Wood and J. Kelly On the Idea of Emancipation in Management and Organization Studies - M. Alvesson and H. Willmott Overviews Critical Theory and Postmodern Approaches to Organizational Studies - M. Alvesson and S. Deetz At the Critical Moment: Conditions and Prospects for Critical Management Studies - V. Fournier and C. Grey, C VOLUME TWO: CRITICAL ORGANIZATION STUDIES Organizational Structure Developing a Field with More Soul: Standpoint Theory and Public Policy Research for Management Scholars - P. Adler and J. Jermier Organizations: From Substance to Image? - M. Alvesson Organized Dissonance: Feminist Bureaucracy as Hybrid Form - K.L. Ashcraft Glass Cages and Glass Palaces: Images of Organizations in Image-Conscious Times - Y. Gabriel Demystifying Organizations - C. Perrow Communication and Unobtrusive Control in Contemporary Organizations - P.K. Tomkins and G. Cheney Organizational Culture Negations and Ambiguities in the Cultures of Organizations - A. Batteau Ideology: Tech Culture Codified and Conclusion - G. Kunda Breakfast at Spiro's: Dramaturgy and dominance - M. Rosen The Smile Factory: Work at Disneyland - J. Van Maanen Strength Is Ignorance; Slavery Is Freedom: Managing Culture in Modern Organizations - H. Willmott Organizational Behaviour Identity Regulation as Organizational Control: Producing the Appropriate Individual - M. Alvesson and H. Willmott Discursive Formations, Strategized Subordination, and Self-Surveillance - S. Deetz Working at a Cynical Distance: Implications for Power, Subjectivity and Resistance - P. Fleming and A. Spicer On Fieldwork in a Habermasian way: Critical Ethnography and the Extra-Ordinary Character of Ordinary Professional Work - J. Forester Ideological Fantasy at Work - J. Glynos Career as a Project of the Self and Labour Process Discipline - C. Grey Looking up and Looking around - R. Jackall Power and Subjectivity at Work: From Degradation to Subjugation in Social Relations - D. Knights and H. Willmott Theorizing Subjectivity in Organizations: The Failure of Foucauldian Studies? - T. Newton Beyond the Surrogate of Motivation - B. Sievers Gender and Ethnicity The Racial Foundation of Organizational Communication - K.L. Ashcraft and B.J. Allen "Engineering Humour": Masculinity, Joking and Conflict in Shop-Floor Relations - D. Collinson Hidden Gendered Assumptions in Mainstream Organization Theory and Research - J. Martin The Emperor Has No Clothes: Rewriting "Race in Organizations" - S. Nkomo Serving Hamburgers and Selling Insurance: Gender, Work and Identity in Interactive Service Jobs - R. Leidner Organizational Democracy and Industrial Relations Corporations, Democracy and the Public Good - S. Barley Whence Democracy? A Review and Critique of the Conceptual Dimensions and Implications of the Business Case for Organizational Democracy - P. Johnson All Quiet on the Workplace Front: A Critique of Recent Trends in British Industrial Sociology - P. Thompson and S. Ackroyd Reflections on the High Performance Paradigm's Implications for Industrial Relations as a Field - J. Godard and J. Delaney VOLUME THREE: MANAGEMENT SUBSPECIALISMS Information Systems Information Systems and Critical Theory - K. Lyytinen Michel Foucault in the Study of ICTs; Critique and Reappraisal - L. Willcocks Operational Research Technical, Practical and Critical OR - Past, Present and Future? - J. Mingers Beyond Methodology Choice: Critical Systems Thinking as Critically Systemic Discourse - W. Ulrich Entrepreneurship 'Against 'Enterprise' (But Not against 'Enterprise', for That Would Make No Sense) - P. Du Gay The Sublime Object of Entrepreneurship - C. Jones and A. Spicer Accounting and Finance Manufacturing Shareholder Value: The Role of Accounting in Organizational Transformation - M. Ezzamel, H. Willmott and F. Worthington Accounting and the Construction of the Governable Person. - P. Miller and T. O'Leary Auditing and the Production of Legitimacy - M. Power Marketing Rethinking Critical Marketing - A. Bradshaw and A. Furat Fiat The Cult(ure) of the Consumer - P. du Gay and G. Salaman The Point of Selling: Capitalism, Consumption and Contradictions - M. Korczynski Marketing and Critique: Prospects and Problems - G. Morgan The Distorted Mirror: Reflections on the Unintended Consequences of Advertising - R. Pollay Environmental Management Greening Organizations: Critical Issues - J.M. Jermier and L.C. Forbes Environmental Management as Political Sustainability - D. Levy Limits to Anthropocentrism: Towards an Ecocentric Organization Paradigm? - R.E. Purser, C. Park and A. Montouri Strategic Management Corporate Strategy, Organizations and Subjectivity: A Critique - D. Knights and G. Morgan Critical Approaches to Strategic Management - D. Levy, M. Alvesson and H. Willmott Human Resource Management Representing People at Work - K. Legge Foucault, Power/Knowledge and Its Relevance for Human Resource Management - B. Townley Critical Management Education Grasping the Nettle: Possibilities and Pitfalls of a Critical Management Pedagogy - M. Reynolds Management Education : Provocations to a Debate - H. Willmott Spinning Disciplines: Critical Management Studies in the Context of the Transformation of Management Education - M. Zald Ethics and Corporate Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - S.B. Banerjee As if Business Ethics were Possible, `within Such Limits... - C. Jones Corporate Governance and the Ethics of Narcissus - J. Roberts VOLUME FOUR: DEBATES, (SELF)CRITIQUES AND REFLEXIVITY The Future of Critical Management Studies - M. Alvesson Reflecting on Reflexivity: Reflexive Textual Practices in Organisation and Management Theory - M. Alvesson, C. Hardy and B. Harley Still Servants of Power - A.P. Brief Economics Language and Assumptions: How Theories Can Become Self-Fulfilling - F. Ferraro, J. Pfeffer and R. Sutton Critical Management Studies: Towards a More Mature Politics - C. Grey On Striving to Give a Critical Edge to Critical Management Studies - A. Hopwood Organization Theory in the Age of Deconstruction: Dualism, Gender and Postmodernism Revisited - D. Knights Critical Performativity: The Unfinished Business of Critical Management Studies - A. Spicer, M. Alvesson and D. Kaerreman Brands, Boundaries and Bandwagons: A Critical Reflection on Critical Management Studies - P. Thompson Theorizing Contemporary Control: Some Poststructuralist Responses to Some Critical Realist Questions - H. Willmott

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