PART ONE: FOUNDATIONS: WHAT METHODOLOGY IS AND DOES Inference and Warrant in Designing Research Methodology and Social Science Knowledge Testing, Confirming and Falsifying Perspectives on Findings from Social Research PART TWO: DESIGNS: THE MAIN TYPES OF RESEARCH DESIGN Types of Research Design Variable-Oriented Research Designs Case-Based Research Designs Comparative and Case-Oriented Research Designs Concept Formation PART THREE: ACHIEVEMENTS: WHAT RESEARCH MAKES INFERENCES TO Why Ideas about Explanation Matter for Methodology Basic Forms of Explanation Mechanisms, Contexts and Trajectories Warranting Explanations Between-Case and within-Case Strategies Interpretation Warranting Interpretations PART FOUR: SYNTHESIS: COMBINATIONS AND TRADE-OFFS Combining Research Designs Trade-offs in Research Design

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'This is not just another methods book - it is ground-breaking in its comprehensiveness about what methodology is and what it is not.' 'I would recommend this book to any member of the SRA whether in academia, local government, central government or market research; in short anyone concerned with collecting data about the social world and trying to make sense of it.' -- Justin Gutmann * SRA Research Matters *