VOLUME ONE: SELECTION, TRAINING AND PERFORMANCE PART ONE: AN HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF PSYCHOLOGY AND THE MILITARY Psychology in Relation to the War - Robert Yerkes Military Psychology in War and Peace - Walter Bingham Psychology and the Military - James Driskell and Beckett Olmstead Research Applications and Trends PART TWO: SELECTION AND CLASSIFICATION Are Smart Tankers Better? - Barry Scribner et al AFQT and Military A Productivity Soldier Quality and Job Performance in Team Tasks - Judith Fernandez An Empirical Method of Determining Employee Competencies/KSAOs from Task-Based Job Analysis - Richard Goffin and David Woycheshin An Overview of the Army Selection and Classification Project (Project A) - John Campbell Criterion-Related Validities of Personality Constructs and the Effect of Response Distortion on Those Validities - Leaetta Hough et al The ECAT Battery - David Alderton, John Wolfe and Gerald Larson Predicting Military Performance from Specific Personality Measures - Reyhan Bilgic and Canan S mer A Validity Study PART THREE: TRAINING AND TEAMS Military Training and Principles of Learning - Robert Gagne Retention of Military Tasks - Joseph Hagman and Andrew Rose A Review Training Evaluation in the Military - Eduardo Salas, Laura Milham and Clint Bowers Misconceptions, Opportunities and Challenges The Effectiveness of Distributed Mission Training - Herbert Bell Effects of Crew Composition on Crew Performance - Aharon Tziner and Dov Eden Does the Whole Equal the Sum of Its Parts? Measuring Platoon Leader Situation Awareness in a Virtual Decision-Making Exercise - Laura Strater et al VOLUME TWO: APPLIED EXPERIMENTAL AND ENGINEERING PSYCHOLOGY PART ONE: PILOT PERFORMANCE/AVIATION HFE PILOT Prediction of Situational Awareness in F-15 Pilots - Thomas Caretta, David Perry Jr and Malcolm James Ree The Effects of 37 Hours of Continuous Wakefulness on the Physiological Arousal, Cognitive Performance, Self-Reported Mood and Simulator Flight Performance of F-117A Pilots - John Caldwell et al Are Individual Differences in Fatigue Vulnerability Related to Baseline Differences in Cortical Activation? - John Caldwell et al Pilot Error and Its Relationship with Higher Organizational Levels - Wen-Chin Li and Don Harris HFACS Analysis of 523 Accidents The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Flight Performance, Instrument Scanning and Physiological Arousal in Pilots - Fred Previc et al PART TWO: SITUATION AWARENESS/DECISION-MAKING Decision-Making in Complex Naval Command-and-Control Environments - George Kaempf et al Differences in Expert and Novice Situation Awareness in Naturalistic Decision-Making - Josephine Randel, H. Lauren Pugh and Stephen Reed Situation Awareness Requirements for Infantry Platoon Leaders - Michael Matthews, Laura Strater and Mica Endsley Verification of the Change Blindness Phenomenon While Managing Critical Events on a Combat Information Display - Joseph DiVita et al The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Information-Integration Categorization - W. Todd Maddox et al Decisions, Decisions... and Even More Decisions - Paul Salmon et al Evaluation of a Digitized Mission Support System in the Land Warfare Domain PART THREE: WORKLOAD/DISPLAYS Information Complexity - E. Svensson et al Mental Workload and Performance in Combat Aircraft Workload Issues in Military Tactical Airlift - Michael Skinner and Peter Simpson Head up versus Head down - Michelle Yeh et al The Costs of Imprecision, Unreliability and Visual Clutter on Cue Effectiveness for Display Signaling Cross-Modal Congruency Benefits for Combined Tactile and Visual Signaling - James Merlo, Aaron Duley and Peter Hancock PART FOUR: ROBOTICS/AUTOMATION Developing Operator Capacity Estimates for Supervisory Control of Autonomous Vehicles - Mary Cummings and Stephanie Guerlain Effects of Imperfect Automation and Individual Differences on Concurrent Performance of Military and Robotics Tasks in a Simulated Multitasking Environment - Jessie Chen and Peter Terrence VOLUME THREE: STRESS AND RESILIENCE PART ONE: CLASSIC AND CONTEMPORARY/COMBAT STRESS/PTSD Comprehensive Soldier Fitness - Rhonda Cornum, Michael Matthews and Martin Seligman Building Resilience in a Challenging Institutional Context A 20-Year Follow-up War Syndromes and Their Evaluations - Kenneth Hyams, Stephen Wignall and Robert Roswell From the U.S. Civil War to the Persian Gulf War Post-Traumatic Stress and Associated Disorders among Vietnam Veterans - Joseph Boscarino The Significance of Combat Exposure and Social Support Pre-Deployment Personality Traits and Exposure to Trauma as Predictors of Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms - Inge Bramson, Anja Dirkzwager and Henk van der Ploeg A Prospective Study of Former Peacekeepers PART TWO : RESILIENCE Character Strengths and Virtues of Developing Military Leaders - Michael Matthews et al An International Comparison Hardiness Protects against War-Related Stress in Army Reserve Forces - Paul Bartone Relevance of Hardiness Assessment and Training to the Military Context - Salvatore Maddi Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in a National Sample of Female and Male Vietnam Veterans - Daniel King et al Risk Factors, War-Zone Stressors and Resilience-Recovery Variables Self-Enhancement among High-Exposure Survivors of the September 11 Terrorist Attack - George Bonanno, Courtney Rennicke and Sharon Dekel Resilience or Social Maladjustment? Master Resilience Training in the U.S. Army - Karen Reivich, Martin Seligman and Sharon McBride PART THREE: POST-TRAUMATIC GROWTH Vulnerability and Resilience to Combat Exposure - Carolyn Aldwin, Michael Levenson and Avron Spiro III Can Stress Have Lifelong Effects? Post-Traumatic Growth in Former Vietnam Prisoners of War - Adriana Feder et al Post-Traumatic Growth after War - Steve Powell et al A Study with Former Refugees and Displaced People in Sarajevo Post-Traumatic Growth among Gulf War I Veterans - Shira Maguen et al The Predictive Role of Deployment-Related Experiences and Background Characteristics Positive Emotions in Traumatic Conditions - Laura Riolli, Victor Savicki and Everett Spain Mediation of Appraisal and Mood for Military Personnel Toward a Positive Military Psychology - Michael Matthews VOLUME FOUR: LEADERSHIP, CULTURE AND MORALE PART ONE: LEADERSHIP The Capacity to Lead - Micha Popper et al Major Psychological Differences between Leaders and Non-Leaders Big Five Personality Factors, Hardiness and Social Judgment as Predictors of Leader Performance - Paul Bartone et al Predicting Unit Performance by Assessing Transformational and Transactional Leadership - Bernard Bass et al Strategic Leader Readiness and Competencies for Asymmetric Warfare - Thomas Williams Military Leadership - Leonard Wong, Paul Bliese and Dennis McGurk A Context-Specific Review Growing Strategic Leaders for Future Conflict - Barak Salmoni et al Do Soldiers Re-Evaluate Trust in Their Leaders Prior to Combat Operations? - Patrick Sweeney A Framework for Examining Leadership in Extreme Contexts - Sean Hannah et al How Leaders Can Influence the Impact That Stressors Have on Soldiers - Thomas Britt et al Leadership and Social Identification in Military Units - Boas Shamir et al Direct and Indirect Relationships PART TWO: CULTURE AND MORALE Warriors in Combat - Rune Henriksen What Makes People Actively Fight in Combat? 'Panic' - Joseph Bendersky The Impact of Le Bon's Crowd Psychology on U.S. Military Thought Group Cohesion, Culture and Practice - Charles Kirke Psychological Climate, Organizational Commitment and Morale - Krista Langkamer and Kelly Ervin Implications for Army Captains' Career Intent Leadership Team Cohesion and Subordinate Work Unit Morale and Performance - Fred Mael and Cathie Alderks The Military and the Family as Greedy Institutions - Mady Wechsler Segal The Impact of Military Lifestyle Demands on Well-Being, Army and Family Outcomes - Lolita Burrell et al Quality of Life in the U.S. Navy - Gerry Wilcove, Michael Schwerin and Tracy Kline Impact on Performance and Career Intentions