Hospitality Management


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Edited by Tom Baum
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Tom Baum is Professor in the Department of Human Resource Management at Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde . He is Programme Director of their Executive Masters in Leadership for Hospitality and Tourism, and has published eight books on tourism development, human resources, training and international tourism themes. He has also published and/or presented over 200 papers in international journals in the areas of hospitality and HRM, tourism education and training; hospitality management; tourism development and planning.

VOLUME ONE: THE IDEA OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT: PAST AND PRESENT PERSPECTIVES Theory in Hospitality Management - P. Nailon Defining the Hospitality Discipline: A Discussion of Pedagogical and Research Implications - M. Ottenbacher, M. Harrington and H. Parsa Towards a Definitive View of the Nature of Hospitality and Hospitality Management - B. Brotherton Hospitality Studies and Hospitality Management: A Symbiotic Relationship - A. Morrison and K. O'Gorman Towards a New Interpretation of Hospitality - D. O'Connor Finding the Hospitality Industry - P. Slattery Sociological Impressionism in a Hospitality Context - P. Lynch Modern Hospitality: Lessons from the Past - K.D. O'Gorman The Idea of Hospitality in Early Modern England - F. Heal Love thy Neighbour? Differentiation and Agglomeration in the Manhattan Hotel Industry, 1898-1990 - J. Baum and H. Haveman The Blackpool Landlady revisited - J.K. Walton A Service Machine: Hotel Guests and the Development of an Early Twentieth-Century Building Type - L.P. Davidson The Hotel and the City - D. McNeill The Shophouse Hotel: Vernacular Heritage in a Creative City - T.C. Chang and P. Teo Towards a Theory of Intra-urban Hotel Location - D. Egan and K. Nield Hospitality Spaces, Hospitable Moments: Consumer Encounters and Affective Experiences in Commercial Settings - P. Lugosi VOLUME TWO: THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY: STRUCTURES, STRATEGIES AND MARKETS International Hotel Development - R. Smith Multinational Corporations in the International Hotel Industry - J. Dunning and M. McQueen From Globalization to Internationalization to Americanization: The Example of Little Americas in the Hotel Sector - D. Nickson and C. Warhurst Internationalization of U.S Multinational Hotel Companies: Expansion to Asia versus Europe - S. Lee Research in Strategic Management in the Hospitality Industry - M. Olsen and A. Roper Choice between Non-Equity Entry Modes: An Organizational Capability Perspective - M. Krishna Erramilli, S. Agarwal and C. Dev Stock Market Reactions to Entry Mode Choices of Multinational Hotel Firms - N. Graf Hotel Management Contracts: Past and Present - J. Deroos Real Estate Investment Trusts: Performance, Recent Findings, and Future Directions - P. Liu Hotel Brand Strategy - J. O'Neill and A. Mattila Post-Merger Stock Performance of Acquiring Hospitality Firms - J. Yang Hotel Reform in China: A SWOT Analysis - L. Yu and G. Huimin China's Hotel Industry: Serving a Massive Market - R. Pine The Future of Small Firms in the Hospitality Industry - A. Morrison and R. Thomas Economic Impact and Institutional Dynamics of Small Hotels in Tanzania - A. Sharma A Descriptive Examination of Corporate Governance in the Hospitality Industry - B.D. Guillet and A. Mattila Going Green: Decisional Factors in Small Hospitality Operations - N. Tzschentke, D. Kirk and P. Lynch Customer Loyalty: The Future of Hospitality Marketing - S. Shoemaker and R. Lewis Tourism and Hospitality Marketing: Fantasy, Feeling and Fun - A. Williams Exploring Chinese Cultural Influences and Hospitality Marketing Relationships - D. Gilbert and J. Tsao E-mail Marketing by International Hotel Chains: An Industry-Practices Update - P. O'Connor VOLUME THREE: THE MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE AND SERVICE IN HOSPITALITY Down and out in Paris and London - G. Orwell The Human Dimension: A Review of Human Resources Management Issues in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry - S. Kusluvan, et al Managing Flexible Working In Hotels - Y. Guerrier and A.J. Lockwood Gender and Labour Flexibility in Hotel and Catering - P. Bagguley Transience and the Postmodern Self: The Geographic Mobility of Resort Workers - P.A. Adler and P. Adler The Valuation of Skill and the Configuration of HRM - M. Riley and E. Szivas The Social Construction of Skills: A Hospitality Sector Perspective - T. Baum Food and Beverage Management: A Review of Change - M. Riley Producing the Superior Self: Strategic Comparison and Symbolic Boundaries Among Luxury Hotel Workers - R. Sherman Employee Experience of Aesthetic Labour in Retail and Hospitality - C. Warhurst and D. Nickson The Impact of HRM Practices on Organisational Performance in the Indian Hotel Industry - M. Chand and A. Katou No Plantation Work Here: Contemporary HR Practices in Caribbean Hotels - A. Crick Human Resource Systems in Kenya: A Case Study of Hotel Human Resources Performance - F. Onyango and R. Okech Human Resource Management and Performance in the UK Hotel Industry - K. Hoque Changing Patterns of HRM and Employment Relations in New Zealand: The Large Hotel Industry - P. Haynes and G. Fryer Organizational Flexibility and HRM in the Hotel Industry: Evidence from Australia - A. Knox and J. Walsh Towards an Understanding of Employee Empowerment in Hospitality Services - C. Lashley The Impact of Hotel Management Contracting on IHRM Practices: Understanding the Bricks and Brains Split - J. Gannon, A. Roper and L. Doherty Analysing Service Quality in the Hospitality Industry Using the SERVQUAL Model - F. Saleh and C. Ryan Service Quality in the Hotel Industry: When Cultural Contexts Matter - E. Tse and S.C. Ho The Role of Culture in the Service Evaluation Process - A. Mattila Does National Culture Really Matter? Hotel Service Perceptions by Taiwan and American Tourists - A.T. Hsieh and C.W. Tsai The Role of Internal Branding in the Delivery of Employee Brand Promise - K. Punjaisri and A. Wilson VOLUME FOUR: MANAGEMENT OF HOSPITALITY'S TANGIBLE RESOURCES: OPERATIONS, ASSETS AND FINANCE Operations Management Research in the Hospitality Industry - P. Jones and A. Lockwood Measuring the Performance of Hotel Operations - C. Parkan Productivity in Hotels: A Stepwise Data Envelopment Analysis of Hotels' Rooms Division Processes - M. Sigala, et al The Physical Safety and Security Features of U.S. Hotels - C. Enz Environmental Management in Hotels - D. Kirk The Compelling Hard Case for Green Hotel Development - J. Butler Restaurant Profitability Management: The Evolution of Restaurant Revenue Management - G. Thompson Hotel Owner/Operator Structures: Implications for Capital Budgeting Process - C. Guilding Growth Accounting for Hotel and Restaurant Industries - E. Smeral Attracting Hotel Investment: Insights from Principal-Agent Theory - T. Baum and R. Mudambi Factors Influencing Hotel Investment Decision-Making - G. Newell and R. Seabrook Hotel Investment Risk: What Are the Chances? - E. Younes and R. Kett Impacts of Positive and Negative Corporate Social Responsibility Activities on Company Performance in the Hospitality Industry - K.H. Kang, S. Lee and C. Huh Improving Hospitality Industry Sales: 25 Years of Revenue Management - C. Anderson and X. Xie Improving Hotel Budgetary Practice: A Positive Theory Model - T. Jones An Empirical Analysis of Oligopolistic Hotel Pricing - T. Baum and R. Mudambi An Institutional Explanation and Model of the Factors Influencing Room Rate Pricing Decisions in the Irish Hotel Industry - R. Mattimoe Financial Rewards for Social Responsibility: A Mixed Picture for Restaurant Companies - S.Y. Park and S. Lee Responding to Crisis: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Hotels in Singapore - J. Henderson and A. Ngo

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