Corpus Linguistics


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Edited by Douglas Biber, Randi Reppen
Release Date:
234 x 156 mm
3000 g

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Volume I: Lexical Studies Word Use "It's Just Real Messy": The Occurrence and Function of Just in a Corpus of Academic Speech - Stephanie Lindemann and Anne Mauranen Collocations and Semantic Prosody The Discourse Function of Collocation in Research Article Introductions - Chris Gledhill Verbs Observed: A Corpus-driven Pedagogic Grammar - Susan Hunston and Gill Francis A Few Frequently Asked Questions about Semantic - or Evaluative - Prosody - John Morley and Alan Partington The Use of Collocations by Advanced Learners of English and Some Implications for Teaching - Nadja Nesselhauf ''Utterly Content in Each Other's Company:'' Semantic Prosody and Semantic Preference - Alan Partington Lexical Repulsion between Sense-Related Pairs - Antoinette Renouf and Jayeeta Banerjee Collocations and Semantic Profiles: On the Cause of the Trouble with Quantitative Studies - Michael Stubbs Phraseology If You Look at...: Lexical Bundles in University Teaching and Textbooks - Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad and Viviana Cortes Uncovering the Extent of the Phraseological Tendency: Towards a Systematic Analysis of Concgrams - Winnie Cheng, Chris Greaves, John McH. Sinclair and Martin Warren Clusters, Key Clusters and Local Textual Functions in Dickens - Michaela Mahlberg Chunking in ELF: Expressions for Managing Interaction - Anna Mauranen Lexical Bundles and Discourse Signalling in Academic Lectures - Hilary Nesi and Helen Basturkmen Establishing the Phraseological Profile of a Text Type: The Construction of Meaning in Academic Book Reviews - Ute Roemer A Corpus-Based Study of Idioms in Academic Speech - Rita Simpson and Dushyanthi Mendis An Academic Formulas List: New Methods in Phraseology Research - Rita Simpson-Vlach and Nick C. Ellis Volume II: Grammar Analysis of Grammatical Features and Grammatical Variation Argument or Evidence? Disciplinary Variation in the Use of the Noun That Pattern in Stance Construction - Maggie Charles Testing the Sub-Test : An Analysis of English -ic and -ical Adjectives - Stefan Th. Gries Hooking the Reader: A Corpus Study of Evaluative That in Abstracts - Ken Hyland and Polly Tse There's Two Ways to Say It: Modeling Nonprestige There's - Brian Riordan Understanding Non-Restrictive Which-Clauses in Spoken English, Which Is Not an Easy Thing - Hongyin Tao and Michael J. McCarthy Historical Studies of Grammatical Variation Recent Changes in the Function and Frequency of Standard English Genitive Constructions: A Multivariate Analysis of Tagged Corpora - Lars Hinrichs and Benedikt Szmrecsanyi Three Changing Patterns of Verb Complementation in Late Modern English: A Real-time Study Based on Matching Text Corpora - Christian Mair Grammar and Pragmatics Politeness and Modal Meaning in the Construction of Humiliative Discourse in an Early Eighteenth-century Network of Patron-Client Relationships - Susan Fitzmaurice Diachronic Speech Act Analysis: Insults from Flyting to Flaming - Andreas H. Jucker and Irma Taavitsainen Grammars of Spoken English: New Outcomes of Corpus-Oriented Research - Geoffrey Leech Language Users as Creatures of Habit: A Corpus-based Analysis of Persistence in Spoken English - Benedikt Szmrecsanyi Lexico-Grammatical Studies Lexical-grammatical Patterns in Spoken English: The Case of the Progressive with Future Time Reference - Nadja Nesselhauf and Ute Roemer Collostructions: Investigating the Interaction of Words and Constructions - Anatol Stefanowitsch and Stefan Th. Gries Volume III: Varieties Descriptions of a Register The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 1675-1975: A Sociohistorical Discourse Analysis - Dwight Atkinson Linguistic Variation in the Discourse of Outsourced Call Centers - Eric Friginal Rhetorical Structure of Biochemistry Research Articles - Budsaba Kanoksilapatham Conventions of Professional Writing: The Medical Case Report in a Historical Perspective - Irma Taavitsainen and Paeivi Pahta Using Computerized Corpus Analysis to Investigate the Textlinguistic Discourse Moves of a Genre - Thomas A. Upton and Ulla Connor Register Variation Speaking and Writing in the University: A Multidimensional Comparison - Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad, Randi Reppen, Pat Byrd and Marie Helt Spoken and Written Register Variation in Spanish: A Multi-dimensional Analysis - Douglas Biber, Mark Davies, James K. Jones and Nicole Tracy-Ventura ''Agile'' and ''Uptight'' Genres: The Corpus-based Approach to Language Change in Progress - Marianne Hundt and Christian Mair Dialect Variation Gender Differences in the Evolution of Standard English: Evidence from the Corpus of Early English Correspondence - Terttu Nevalainen Frequency and Variation in the Community Grammar: Tracking a New Change through the Generations - Sali A. Tagliamonte and Alexandra D'Arcy Corpus-based Dialectometry: A Methodological Sketch - Benedikt Szmrecsanyi National Varieties and World Englishes The Committee Has/Have Decided... On Concord Patterns with Collective Nouns in Inner- and Outer- Circle Varieties of English - Marianne Hundt Describing Verb-Complementational Profiles of New Englishes: A Pilot Study of Indian English - Joybrato Mukherjee and Sebastian Hoffmann Cultural Discourse in the Corpus of East African English and beyond: Possibilities and Problems of Lexical and Collocational Research in a One Million-word Corpus - Josef Schmied Tag Questions in English: The First Century - Gunnel Tottie and Sebastian Hoffmann Volume IV: Methods and Applications Corpus Design Representativeness in Corpus Design - Douglas Biber Data in Historical Pragmatics: Spoken Interaction (Re)Cast as Writing - Jonathan Culpeper and Merja Kytoe The Linguistic Study of Early Modern English Speech-Related Texts: How "Bad" Can "Bad" Data Be? - Merja Kytoe and Terry Walker Analytical Methods Keyness: Words, Parts-of-Speech and Semantic Categories in the Character-Talk of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet - Jonathan Culpeper Dispersions and Adjusted Frequencies in Corpora - Stefan Th. Gries Comparing Corpora - Adam Kilgarriff From Key Words to Key Semantic Domains - Paul Rayson Corpus Investigations for Applied Purposes Lexical Coverage of Spoken Discourse - Svenja Adolphs and Norbert Schmitt The Grammatical and Lexical Patterning of MAKE in Native and Non-Native Student Writing - Bengt Altenberg and Sylviane Granger What Does Frequency Have to Do with Grammar Teaching? - Douglas Biber and Randi Reppen A New Academic Word List - Averil Coxhead Connector Usage in the English Essay Writing of Native and Non-Native EFL Speakers of English - Sylviane Granger and Stephanie Tyson Pedagogical Applications Is There Any Measurable Learning from Hands-on Concordancing? - Tom Cobb Using Corpus Tools to Highlight Academic Vocabulary in SCLT - Kate M. Donley and Randi Reppen Learner Corpora: The Missing Link in EAP Pedagogy - Gaetanelle Gilquin, Sylviane Granger and Magali Paquot Using Language Corpora in Initial Teacher Education: Pedagogic Issues and Practical Applications - Anne O'Keeffe and Fiona Farr

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