Early Childhood Literacy


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Edited by Kate Pahl, Jennifer Rowsell
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VOLUME ONE: EARLY LITERACY IN THE HOME PART ONE: LITERACY AND HOME CULTURE Five on the First of December! - Liz Brooker What Can We Learn from Case Studies of Early Childhood Literacy? Family Reading Behavior and Early Literacy Skills in Pre-School Children from Low-Income Backgrounds - Stacy Storch Bracken and Janet Fischel Order in the House! - Anna Johnson et al Associations around Household Chaos, the Home Literacy Environment, Maternal Reading Ability and Children's Early Reading Ephemera, Mess and Miscellaneous Piles - Kate Pahl Texts and Practices in Families Bilingual Families as Literacy Eco-Systems - Charmian Kenner PART TWO: MULTILINGUAL AND BILINGUAL PRACTICES Emergent Biliteracy in Young Mexican Immigrant Children - Iliana Reyes and Patricia Azuara Finding the Keys to Biliteracy - Charmian Kenner et al How Young Children Interpret Different Writing Systems Multilingual Literacies and Third Script Acquisition - Daniele Moore Young Chinese Children in French Immersion in Vancouver, Canada Exploring Connections between Emergent Literacy and Bilingualism - Iliana Reyes In Other Words - Marjorie Orellana et al Translating or 'Paraphrasing' as Family Literacy Practice in Immigrant Households PART THREE: STORY AND PICTURE BOOKS Talking about Picture Books - Jane Torr The Influence of Maternal Education on Four-Year-Old Children's Talk with Mothers and Pre-School Teachers Young Children's Readings of Wordless Picture Books - Judith Lysaker What's 'Self' Got to Do with It PART FOUR: SHARED BOOK READING What No Bedtime Stories Story Means - Shirley Bryce Heath Narrative Skills at Home and School Unsettling the Bedtime Story - Susan Nichols Parents' Reports of Home Literacy Practices Low-Income Latino Mothers' Booksharing Styles and Children's Emergent Literacy Development - Margaret Caspe Vocabulary Acquisition in Young Children - Emma Hepburn, Bridget Egan and Naomi Flynn The Role of the Story Mother-Child Story Book Interactions - Joan Kaderavek and Lori Pakulski Literacy Orientation of Pre-Schoolers with Hearing Impairment The Relationship between Maternal Beliefs and Behavior during Shared Reading - Susan Meagher et al VOLUME TWO: EARLY LITERACY AND INTERVENTIONS PART ONE: EARLY LITERACY INTERVENTIONS A Review of Parent Interventions for Pre-School Children's Language and Emergent Literacy - Elaine Reese, Alison Sparks and Diana Leyva Long-Term Outcomes of Early Reading Intervention - Jane Hurry and Kathy Sylva The Early Intervention Solution - Annette Woods and Robyn Henderson Enabling or Constraining Literacy Learning Systematic and Engaging Early Literacy - Gary Bingham, Kendra Hall-Kenyon and Barbara Culatta Examining the Effects of Paraeducator Implemented Early Literacy Instruction The Birth-to-Schools Study - Maria Evangelou, Greg Brooks and Sally Smith Evidence on the Effectiveness of PEEP, an Early Intervention for Children at Risk of Educational Under-Achievement PART TWO: COMPREHENSION What Counts as Literacy in Early Childhood? - Catherine Snow Young Children's Approaches to Books - Caitlin McMunn Dooley The Emergence of Comprehension If I Had a Magic Wand I'd Magic Her out for the Book - Fiona Collins and Cathy Svensson The Rich Literacy Practices of Competent Early Readers Mind, Brain and Literacy - Usha Goswami Biomarkers as Usable Knowledge for Education 'High 5!' - Susan Dymock and Tom Nicholson Strategies to Enhance Comprehension of Expository Text PART THREE: FAMILY LITERACY Toward a Social-Contextual Approach to Family Literacy - Elsa Roberts Auerbach Taking Stock of Family Literacy - Jim Anderson et al Some Contemporary Perspectives Children's Perspectives on Family Literacy - Cathy Nutbrown and Peter Hannon Methodological Issues, Findings and Implications for Practice Parents' Construction of Their Children as Gendered, Literate Subjects - Susan Nichols A Critical Discourse Analysis Fathers' Involvement in Young Children's Literacy Development - Anne Morgan, Cathy Nutbrown and Peter Hannon Implications for Family Literacy Programs PART FOUR: CURRICULUM Evaluation of Curricular Approaches to Enhance Pre-School Early Literacy Skills - Janet Fischel et al Globalization, Literacy, Curriculum Practice - Allan Luke and Victoria Carrington Where Are the Childhoods in Childhood Literacy? An Exploration in Outer (School) Space - Anne Haas Dyson Getting the Big Picture - Barbara Comber and Susan Nichols Regulating Knowledge in the Early Childhood Literacy Curriculum Popular Culture in the Literacy Curriculum - Jackie Marsh A Bourdieuan Analysis Staying in the (Curricular) Lines - Anne Haas Dyson Practice Constraints and Possibilities in Childhood Writing VOLUME THREE: EARLY LITERACY AND SOCIOCULTURAL TURN PART ONE: IDENTITY Interest and Agency in Two- and Three-Year-Olds' Participation in Emergent Writing - Deborah Wells Rowe and Carin Neitzel Playing House - Maureen Kendrick A 'Sideways' Glance at Literacy and Identity in Early Childhood Identity, Childhood Culture and Literacy Learning - Catherine Compton-Lilly A Case Study The 'Good' Parent in Relation to Early Childhood Literacy - Susan Nichols, Helen Nixon and Jennifer Rowsell Symbolic Terrain and Lived Practice 'Are You Guys Girls?' Boys, Identity Texts and Disney Princess Play - Karen Wohlwend PART TWO: PLAY Three Decades in - Kathleen Roskos et al Priming for Meta-Analysis in Play-Literacy Research Interactions, Intersections and Improvisations - Kate Pahl Studying the Multimodal Texts and Classroom Talk of Six- to Seven-Year-Olds Social Contexts of Development - Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler et al Parent-Child Interactions during Reading and Play Writing Childhoods under Construction - Anne Haas Dyson Re-Visioning 'Copying' in Early Childhood Children's Spontaneous Play in Writer's Workshop - Judith Lysaker, Jennifer Wheat and Emily Benson Examining the Play-Literacy Interface - Kathleen Roskos and James Christie A Critical Review and Future Directions PART THREE: THE ARTS Drawings as an Alternative Way of Understanding Young Children's Constructions of Literacy - Maureen Kendrick and Roberta McKay Actively Engaging with Stories through Drama - Donna Sayers Adomat Portraits of Two Young Readers Word-Play and Musike - Sophie Alcock, Joy Cullen and Alison St George Young Children Learning Literacies while Communicating Playfully PART FOUR: MULTIMODALITY If She's Left with Books She'll Just Eat Them - Rosie Flewitt, Melanie Nind and Jane Payler Considering Inclusive Multimodal Literacy Practices Narratives, Artifacts and Cultural Identities - Kate Pahl An Ethnographic Study of Communicative Practices in Homes Damsels in Discourse - Karen Wohlwend Girls Consuming and Producing Identity Texts through Disney Princess Play Staring at the Page - Lesley Lancaster The Functions of Gaze in a Young Child's Interpretation of Symbolic Forms 'Third Spaces' Are Interesting Places - Rachel Levy Applying Third Space Theory to Nursery-Aged Children's Constructions of Themselves as Readers VOLUME FOUR: NEW DIRECTIONS PART ONE: POLICY Families at a Disadvantage - Lyn Tett and Jim Crowther Class, Culture and Literacies Talking about Literacy - Mary Gomez, Amy Johnson and Karen Gisladottir A Cultural Model of Teaching and Learning Untangled Report of the National Early Literacy Panel - Timothy Shanahan and Christopher Lonigan Changing Classroom Practice through the English National Literacy Strategy - Adam Lefstein A Micro-Interactional Perspective PART TWO: ECOLOGICAL 'From Bricks to Clicks' - Helen Nixon Hybrid Commercial Spaces in the Landscape of Early Literacy and Learning An Ecological Perspective on the Socially Embedded Nature of Reading and Writing - Sylvia Pantaleo Access to Print in Low-Income and Middle-Income Communities - Susan Neuman and Donna Celano An Ecological Study of Four Neighborhoods The Knowledge Gap - Susan Neuman and Donna Celano Implications of Leveling the Playing Field for Low-Income and Middle-Income Children PART THREE: DIGITAL Technology and Literacy in Early Childhood Educational Settings - Cathy Burnett A Review of Research Young Children's Play in Online Virtual Worlds - Jackie Marsh 'I Get My Facts from the Internet' - Marianne McTavish A Case Study of the Teaching and Learning of Information Literacy in In-School and Out-of-School Contexts A Is for Avatar - Karen Wohlwend Young Children in Literacy 2.0 Worlds and Literacy 1.0 Schools Digital Childhood and Youth - Victoria Carrington and Jackie Marsh New Texts, New Literacies Bringing Ethnography to a Multimodal Investigation of Early Literacy in a Digital Age - R Flewitt

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