Institutionalism II


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Edited by B. Guy Peters, Jon Pierre
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B. Guy Peters is Maurice Falk Professor of American Government at the University of Pittsburgh. He has written extensively in the areas of public administration and public policy, both for the United States and comparatively. Among his recent publications are the Handbook of Public Administration and The Quest for Control: Politicization of the Public Service. I am a research professor in the department of political science, University of Gothenburg. I am also adjunct professor at the University of Pittsburgh and at the Nordland University in Bodoe, Norway. I have held numerous overseas visiting appointments, most recently at the City University of Hong Kong, University of Melbourne and University of Auckland.

VOLUME ONE: DEVELOPING INSTITUTIONAL THEORY PART ONE: INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE A Theory of Endogenous Institutional Change - Avner Greif and David Laitin Understanding Institutional Change - Gerard Roland Fast-Moving and Slow-Moving Institutions Altered States - Andrew Cortell and Susan Peterson Explaining Domestic Institutional Change 'Seek and Ye Shall Find' - Christoph Knill and Andrea Lenschow Linking Different Perspectives on Institutional Change PART TWO: RECONCEPTUALIZING AGENCY Approaching Adulthood - W. Richard Scott The Maturing of Institutional Theory Agency, Entrepreneurs and Institutional Change - Jason Beckert The Role of Strategic Choice and Institutionalized Practices in Organizations Agency and Institutions - Julie Battilana The Enabling Role of Individual's Social Position Social Skills and Institutional Theory - Neil Fligstein PART THREE: RETHINKING PATH DEPENDENCY Path Dependence in Historical Sociology - James Mahoney Historical Institutionalism and Comparative Politics - Kathleen Thelen Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc? Path Dependency and Punctuated Equilibria in European Aviation Safety Regulation - Jon Pierre Structure, Agency and Historical Institutionalism - Colin Hay and Daniel Wincott VOLUME TWO: NEW RESEARCH AGENDAS PART ONE: DISCURSIVE INSTITUTIONALISM Taking Ideas and Discourse Seriously - Vivien Schmidt Explaining Change through Discursive Institutionalism and the Fourth New Institutionalism Discourse and Institutions - Nelson Phillips, Thomas Lawrence and Cynthia Hardy Discourse and Deinstitutionalization - Steve Maguire and Cynthia Hardy The Decline of DDT Ideas, Interests and Institutions in the Comparative Political Economy of Great Transformations - Colin Hay PART TWO: INSTITUTIONALIZATION From a Club to a Bureaucracy - Jon Pierre and B. Guy Peters JAA, EASA and European Aviation Regulation The Role of Institutionalization in Cultural Persistence - Lynne Zucker Institutionalizing Upstarts - Arjen Boin and Robert Goodin The Demons of Domestication and the Benefits of Recalcitrance Party Institutionalization in New Democracies - Vicky Randall and Lars Svasand Institutional Isomorphism and Public Sector Organizations - Peter Frumkin and Jospeh Galaskiwicz Institutional Transformation and Planning - Ernest Alexander From Institutionalization Theory to Institutional Design PART THREE: MICRO-FOUNDATIONS OF INSTITUTIONAL BEHAVIOR Shared Mental Models - Arthur Denzau and Douglass North Ideologies and Institutions Institutions and Individuals - Geoffrey Hodgson Interaction and Evolution Living in the Past? Change and Continuity in the Norwegian Civil Service - Tom Christensen and Per Laegreid Microfoundations of Institutional Theory - Walter Powell and Jeaneete Colyvas VOLUME THREE: APPLYING INSTITUTIONAL THEORY PART ONE: INSTITUTIONAL APROACHES TO THE EUROPEAN UNION Exploring the Nature of the Beast - Thomas Risse-Kappen International Relations Theory and Comparative Policy Analysis Meet the European Union Same Menu, Separate Tables - Mark Aspinwall and Gerald Schneider The Institutionalist Turn in Political Science and the Study of the European Union An Organizational Approach to European Integration - Morton Egeberg Outline of a Complementary Perspective The Principal-Agent Approach and the Study of the European Union - Hussein Kassim and Anand Menon Promise Unfulfilled? PART TWO: GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONS Nested Levels of Institutions - Barbara McCabe and Richard Feiock State Rules and City Property Taxes Administrative Capacity, Structural Choice and the Creation of EU Agencies - Jorgen Christensen and Vibeke Nielsen Rescuing Aunt Sally - Vivien Lowndes Taking Institutional Theory Seriously in Urban Politics PART THREE: INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS The Limits of Rational Design - John Duffield Institutions for Flying - John Richards How States Build a Market in International Air Services Institutions in International Relations - Judith Goldstein, Douglas Rivers and Michael Tomz Understanding the Effects of the GATT and the WTO in World Trade Sharing Sovereignty - Stephen Krasner New Institutions for Collapsed and Failed States PART FOUR: INSTITUTIONS IN POLITICAL ECONOMY What Is an Institution? - John Searle Challenges and Growth - Elinor Ostrom The Development of the Interdisciplinary Field of Institutional Analysis The New Institutional Economics - Douglass North Trade and the Variety of Democratic Institutions - Ronald Rogowski How Institutions Create Historically Rooted Trajectories of Growth - John Zysman PART FIVE: INSTITUTIONS AND GLOBALIZATION Globalization as Re-Territorialization - Neil Brenner The Re-Scaling of Urban Governance in the European Union Has Globalization Ended the Rise and Rise of the Nation State? - Michael Mann The Eclipse of the State? Reflections on Stateness in an Era of Globalization - Peter Evans PART SIX: INSTITUTIONS AND THE LAW Sovereignty and the Institutionalization of Normative Order - Hans Lindahl Economic and Legal Institutionalism - Dick Ruiter What Can They Learn from Each Other? Path Dependence and the Law - Oona Hathaway The Course and Pattern of Legal Change in a Common Law System

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