How can a scientifically-minded person approach the healings and miracles of the Gospels, including such events as the raising of Lazarus and the Resurrection itself? Emil Bock rediscovers the healings and miracles of Christ for the skeptical mind without minimising the difficulties. He brings together historical records and the geographical background of the Gospels, without losing sight of their spiritual wisdom. Bock considers the Gospel of John to give the most precise record of the events of Christ's three year ministry, as well as being the Gospel with the deepest esoteric significance. This profound study reveals a new understanding of the Jesus' incarnation on earth. About the Author: Emil Bock was born in Wuppertal, Germany in 1895. He studied German and Theology, receiving his licentiate in 1921. From 1938 until his death in 1959, he was the head of The Christian Community movement. Additional Information: Also available by Emil Bock: * The Rhythm of the Christian Year * Genesis * Kings and Prophets * The Childhood of Jesus * Caesars and Apostles * Saint Paul * The Apocalypse of St John