ForewordJames J. Walter Introduction: Charles C. Curran: Catholic Theologian, Priest, ProphetDaniel C. MaguirePART I FUNDAMENTAL MORAL THEOLOGY 1. The Moral Person: Moral Anthropology and the VirtuesTimothy E. O'Connell 2. The Moral Agent: Actions and Normative Decision MakingJames F. Keenan, SJ 3. Ethics, Ecclesiology, and the Grace of Self-DoubtMargaret A. Farley 4. Moral Theology and Academic FreedomJames A. Coriden PART II SEXUAL AND MEDICAL ETHICS 5. Divorce and RemarriageKevin T. Kelly 6. Sexual EthicsLisa Sowle Cahill 7. Perspectives on Medical Ethics: Biotechnology and Genetic MedicineJames J. Walter PART III SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ETHICS 8. Hierarchical Catholic Social Teaching: Analysis and InterpretationKenneth R. Himes, OFM 9. Catholic Social Ethics in the United StatesThomas A. Shannon 10. A Catholic Troeltsch? Curran on the Social Ministry of the ChurchJ. Bryan Hehir PART IV DIALOGUE 11. Charles Curran: Ecumenical Moral Theologian Par ExcellenceJames F. Gustafson 12. Curran's Fundamental Moral Theology in Comparison with European Catholic ApproachesRaphael Gallagher, CSSR 13. Beyond Revision: A Younger Moralist Looks at Charles E. CurranBryan N. Massingale Bibliography of Charles E. Curran 1961-2002: Forty-One Years of Catholic Moral Theology Contributors Index