IntroductionJudith A. Dwyer1. Scriptural SourcesPaul Danove2. Christian Anthropology and EthicsMichael J. Scanlon3. Turn to the Heavens and the EarthElizabeth Johnson4. Reverence for Human LifeJames J. McCartney5. The Prophetic Role of Feminist BioethicsMarie J. Giblin6. Sexuality and IntimacyWilliam Werpehowski7. Responsibilities within the FamilySarah-Vaughan Brakman8. The Evolving Teaching on Peace within Roman Catholic Hierarchical ThoughtJudith A. Dwyer9. The Dignity of Work and Economic ConcernsSally J. Scholz10. Is Tolerance Enough? The Catholic University and the Common GoodDavid J. Hollenbach, SJ