Preface 1. Introduction 2. Personal Losses Traces of Lost PersonsThe Fear and Call of Personal RealitySocial and Political DepersonalizationImpersonal Theory, De-Personed Philosophythe Texture of Personal Reality and Ethical Experience 3. Personal Bodies On the Matter and Spirit of MapsOn the Matter and Spirit of PersonsPersonal EmbodimentBody as Object, Body as SubjectAmbiguities of EmbodimentThe "My-ness" and "Me-Ness" of a Personal BodyPersonal ConsciousnessPersonalized World 4. Endowments of Embodied Persons Personal FoundationsAwareness of Awaress, Selves, and PersonsThe Endowment of FreedomThe Endowment of Love in Self-Conscious AffirmationEndowed Human PersonPersonal Nature 5. Personal Entries into EthicsInescapable Perspectives of PersonsAchieving the Moral good and Doing the Right ThingKant and the Pull to the InteriorMill and the Pull OutwardThe Personal CenterThe Intrinsic TurnKilling, Autonomy, and Intrinsic Values 6. Before Good and Evil The Field of Moral ExperienceThe Dynamics of Personal Moral JudgmentThe Subjective Internal DimensionContext, Culture, and Personal ChallengeNegation of Truth and the Beginning of EvilFalls and Crimes 7. Killing Persons and Ethics The Logic of TerrorThe Moral Inviolability of PersonsDefending Life by Intending DeathKilling Incomplete PersonsKilling Defective or Dying Persons 8. Reviving Personal Life The Choice of RealitiesThe "Reality" of Consumer CapitalismReviving Personal SolitudeRecovering Personal RelationshipsRevealing Human Vulnerability Notes Bibliography Index