Preface 1. Why Devolution Matters Part I National Welfare Politics Setting the National Stage 2. Reaching the Devolution Revolution: The History of Welfare in the United States 3. The Role of "Factions" in the National Welfare Debate Part II State Welfare Politics Welfare Politics in the States: An Introduction 4. Maryland: Welfare Policymaking in a Diverse Environment 5. Texas: Reforming Welfare in a Low-Benefit State 6. North Dakota: Welfare Reform on the Northern Plains 7. Conclusion: Welfare as We're Coming to Know It? Appendices Appendix A: Selection Criteria for State Case Studies Appendix B: Naional AFDC-Related Hearings during 104th Congress, by Committee, Topic, and Date Apppendix C: Actors and Organizations Submitting Oral or Written Testimony in Welfare-Related Hearings, 104th Congress Appendix D: Witness Lists for Maryland Hearings Appendix E: Witness Lists for Texas Hearings Appendix F: Witness Lists for North Dakota Hearings Abbreviations Selected Bibliography Index