ForewordJean Bethke Elshtain Introduction: Reconsidering Westphalia's Legacy for Religion and International PoliticsJohn D. Carlson and Erik C. Owens Part I: Religion and Armed Intervention1. The Moral Measurement of War: A Tradition of Change and ContinuityJ. Bryan Hehir 2. Ethical Implications of Kosovo OperationsJames P. McCarthy 3. An Editor's View of Kosovo: Dilemmas and Criteria for Humanitarian InterventionMargaret O'Brien Steinfels 4. Just War, Realism, and InterventionJean Bethke Elshtain 5. Justice, Political Authority, and Armed Conflict: Challenges to Sovereignty and the Just Conduct of WarJohn Kelsay Part II: Human Rights, Political Authority, and Religious Commitments6. Religious Concomitants of Transnationalism: From a Universal Church to a Universal ReligiositySusanne Hoeber Rudolph 7. The Future of Sovereignty: A Christian Realist PerspectiveRobin W. Lovin 8. Serving Two Masters? Affirming Religious Belief and Human Rights in a Pluralistic WorldR. Scott Appleby 9. Trials, Tribunals and Tribulations of Sovereignty: Crimes against Humanity and the imago DeiJohn D. Carlson Part III: Sovereignty and Its Critics10. Weighing Sovereignty in the "Sit Room": Does It Enter or End the Debate?Robert L. Gallucci 11. Religious Allegiance and Political Sovereignty: An Irreconcilable Tension?Paul J. Griffiths 12. Sacred NonsovereigntyFred Dallmayr Conclusion: Sovereignty after September 11: What Has Changed?Erik C. Owens