"I wish to cause no pain, except where it is deserved." -- Peter Ustinov The legendary Peter Ustinov was one of the world's most versatile and talented contributors to the arts. Ustinov's talents were widely demonstrated both in print and on television. It has been said that reading Ustinov is like listening to a good story told by an old friend. His style exudes a sophistication and charm that captures the imagination, lifts the spirits, and challenges the mind. Readers of this collection will relish the ample wit and telling observations that fill each page. Whether his subject is one of the world's major hot spots or a political/military conflict, the peculiarities of our complex human nature with its many not-so-significant foibles, the quirks of religion and other forms of belief, or just the thoughtful observations of a world traveler, Ustinov Still at Large will tickle your funny bone, strike an emotional chord, and make you realize that people who care can make a difference.