Georg Kuhlewind (1924-2006) was a Hungarian philosopher, writer, lecturer, and meditation teacher who worked from the tradition of Rudolf Steiner's spiritual science. Setting aside his early interest in music and psychology, he pursued a successful professional career as a physical chemist. Meanwhile, he continued to deepen his spiritual practice and insights. A prolific author (most of whose works are still only in German), Georg Kuhlewind spent much time traveling the world, lecturing and leading workshops and seminars in meditation, psychology, epistemology, child development, anthroposophy, and esoteric Christianity. He was the author of numerous books. Kuhlewind died January 15, 2006 at the age of 83. Joergen Smit was born in Norway in 1916 and taught at a Rudolf Steiner school there for thirty years before becoming head of a teacher training college in Jarna, Sweden. In 1975, he became a member of the Executive Council of the Anthroposophical Society and was leader of the Education Section (until 1989) and leader of the Youth Section until his death in 1991. He was a well-known lecturer and the author of several works on Rudolf Steiner education and the meditative path of anthroposophy.