"Siegfried Finser has written a book that will turn the world around...This book is seminal in its clarity, impact, intelligence, and integrity. Finser writes what he has lived, which makes the book all the more potent and totally trustworthy. The clear and groundbreaking ideas of the great Rudolf Steiner come alive through this important book. Read it and live it. I give it my highest recommendation." - Lynne Twist, veteran fund-raiser, global activist, author, "The Soul of Money: Reclaiming the Wealth of Our Inner Resources". "The inspiring story of how the Rudolf Steiner Foundation came to be such an extraordinary pioneer in conscious finance, locally and globally. You will never see money in the same way after reading this ground-breaking book." - Hazel Henderson, author, "Ethical Markets: Growing The Green Economy". "This book makes clear that initiatives like RSF need people like Siegfried Finser and his colleagues, not only with a long term perspective but also with a clear understanding what contemporary spiritual knowledge in the field of money means today.Understanding of what it can do in a positive sense is probably the most forceful source for social renewal today" - Peter Blom, Chairman of the Executive Board of Triodos Bank Group, the European leading Social Bank. "In this book, Siegfried Finser, one of the truly great souls I have known, explains how he and his associates at the Rudolf Steiner Foundation have helped people work together in healing ways around money and credit." - Dr. Clopper Almon, economist. Exploring the wonders of every kind of monetary transaction, Siegfried Finser reveals how all transactions interact with the human psyche. Having evolved through the ages, money is no longer an object so much as it has become a "worldwind" of circulation, moving at various speeds and achieving a myriad of results. Our human intentions give money its qualities and determine its speed and its effect on people everywhere. From object to pure movement, money is now poised to serve our highest goals. As we have nurtured money in its evolution, we must now take responsibility for directing its great potential in transforming social life, thereby bringing healing to the world.The author gives RSF Social Finance as an example of an organization working to heal our social life. "Money Can Heal" shows a way beyond money as "a thing one acquires" toward money as "movement" among human souls. You'll never see money the same way again. Visit the "Money Can Heal" website for more. RSF Social Finance envisions "a world where a new consciousness is brought to financial transactions, a future when profit is determined by social and environmental benefit, as well as financial return ...a future when it is the ability to enrich human life and sustain the earth's ecology that generates financial support for initiatives and organizations. [RSF holds] a vision of a forward-thinking world that considers the long-term consequences of its actions as essential to right decision-making." RSF activities include: Investing in Socially Constructive Organizations - thanks to donors, investors, borrowers, and partners, RSF finances innovative and visionary projects that share its commitment to creating a healthy and sustainable world; Working with Philanthropists and Investors - RSF works with investors and philanthropists in carrying forward their best intentions by providing access to capital, with the funds they have entrusted to RSF, to organizations that foster economic, environmental, and social sustainability; Developing Innovative Financial Vehicles - RSF continually researches and develops ways to meet the needs of its clients; and, Building a Community Dedicated to Sustainability - RSF creates a space where ideas are shared and collaborations form to strengthen social finance. It also inlcudes Researching the Role of Money in Society - RSF engages in research on the role of money in society to develop the capacity of individuals and organizations to explore the social implications of financial practices.